

Singaporean mothers are lucky as they have a repertoire of confinement practices to choose from during their confinement – from the Chinese Zuo Yue Zi, to the Indian confinement practices, and the Malay berpantang. With all of these confinement tips across cultures, how does a new mother know which to choose? Can you pick-and-choose to follow some confinement practices while discarding other aspects of confinement? Can you organise your confinement on your own or do you need someone else to do it for you? These are some questions new mothers have been asking and we are here to provide the answers in our Confinement section.
Confinement is a time that can help your body recuperate and recover from childbirth. As a new Singaporean mother, you have a multitude of choices and confinement style to choose from, which can be both daunting and exciting. But if you're asking yourself which one suits you and your baby best and how to get started, you've come to right place.