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Mustela Soothing Moisturizing Body LotionMustelaSGD21.66
4.8 /5
(5 reviews)
User profile pictureJorynn Tan
1d ago
Jorynn Tan's has rated -
5 /5
Moisturising for my little one. Not sticky or too thick type. Easy to adsorb into skin.
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Chicco Soft Potty SeatChiccoSGD13.90
5 /5
(5 reviews)
User profile pictureJorynn Tan
1d ago
Jorynn Tan's has rated -
5 /5
So far ok. The seat is soft and also fit the toilet bowl. Little one still yet to fully use it. Overall the product ok.
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RADIUS Organic Floss Clove CardamomSGD4.79
4.7 /5
(3 reviews)
User profile pictureDawn
2d ago
Dawn's has rated -
4 /5
It is infused with a subtle cardamom scent, leaving mouth feeling fresh and clean after each use.
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RADIUS Organic Peppermint FlossSGD5.17
4.7 /5
(3 reviews)
User profile pictureDawn
2d ago
Dawn's has rated -
4 /5
taste stays on for a bit so it makes me feel fresh
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RADIUS Natural Floss Pure SilkSGD4.70
4.7 /5
(3 reviews)
User profile pictureDawn
2d ago
Dawn's has rated -
4 /5
provides a gentle yet effective clean for our teeth
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