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Snooz White Noise Sound Machine
With a real fan inside, SNOOZ is a portable white noise machine that turns your bedroom into a haven for sleep. Full-spectrum sound helps you fall asleep and stay asleep Real fan inside (without unwanted cold air in cooler months) Adjustable tone & 10 volume settings Optional iOS and Android companion apps for added functionality Travel-friendly
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5.0 /5
11mo agoReport
5.0 /5
Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies ... Show More
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