According to the data collated by BBC Future, taller people are generally successful in life. Because people take them more seriously, perceive their personality as more favourable, and think they are more dependable. Knowing that, what parent would not want their child to grow taller?
That said, it is not easy to influence the adult height during childhood. The reason is that it is partially dependent on genetics. In addition, gender, nutrition, the level of activity in childhood, and environmental factors also play a significant role in the child's height.
As a parent, what's more, important than your child's health? If you're like most parents, you've probably spent countless hours researching ways to help them grow into their full potential.
But some foods and nutritional supplements can help children grow taller. Knowing what those foods and supplements are can help your kids reach their full height potential.
How Healthy Diet Helps a Child Grow Taller
The key to growing taller is a healthy diet. A child's diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. A diet high in fat and sugar can stunt growth.
In addition, a child needs to drink plenty of water every day since dehydration can cause them to lose too much blood, making them short in stature.
Also, limit your child's intake of soda and other sugary drinks that contain high amounts of caffeine. These beverages are full of empty calories, reducing your child's height by up to two inches over time.
A good way to ensure that your child is eating the right foods is to set up a weekly meal plan with plenty of fruits and vegetables at each mealtime (including breakfast!). Your child should also drink plenty of milk or soy milk each day because they contain important nutrients like calcium, which help strengthen bones and teeth and protein, which helps build muscles.
Finally, make sure your child gets enough sleep every night so that their body has ample time to repair itself after exerting itself during the day (it takes about eight hours for our bodies to improve themselves ultimately).
Image source: iStock
Foods To Help Child Grow Taller
The best thing about growing up is getting taller. It's exciting to see your child's height increase yearly. But if they're not growing as fast as you'd like, or if you're worried that they'll be short for the rest of their lives, there are things you can do to help speed up the process.
Several foods help support healthy growth and development in children. These foods include:
- Milk (1-3 cups daily)
- Eggs (3-4 eggs per week)
- Fish (3 servings per week)
- Beans (2 servings per week)
- Oats (2 servings per day)
We recommend that you talk with a nutritionist or doctor before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine to ensure that these changes are safe for you and will result in optimal growth and development.
How Nutritional Supplements Helps a Child Grow Taller
Nutritional supplements are an essential part of any child's diet. They can be used to supplement a meal, or they can be used to replace a meal entirely. The most important thing is that kids get the nutrients they need to grow tall and strong.
It means that if your child is not hungry or is short on time, you can give them a drink or two instead of making them sit down for a whole meal. It will help them stay focused on their school work and other activities without worrying about whether or not they have eaten enough calories throughout the day to keep their energy levels up.
Nutritional supplements contain many different vitamins and minerals. These are important for growth spurts during adolescence. These help them develop healthy bones and teeth and they don't get cavities when they start falling apart. Nutritional supplements also contain more protein than normal food, which helps kids grow taller faster.
Image Source: iStock
Nutritional Supplements That Help Child Grow Taller
If your child struggles to grow taller, you may be tempted to try every supplement under the sun. But it's important to know what's safe and what isn't, especially regarding children.
Here are some dietary supplements that can help your child grow taller:
- Glucosamine: This is a natural substance found in the human body. It helps build cartilage, which makes up part of joints, such as knees and elbows. Glucosamine can also be taken as a supplement for strengthening bones and joints.
- Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth. It also helps regulate growth hormone production in children and teens.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C plays a role in building collagen—the major protein in connective tissue—and helps blood vessels stay elastic so they don't harden over time (which could lead to poor circulation).
- Calcium: This mineral is essential for strong bones and teeth—and since bones hold us up while standing/walking around on two legs, it's pretty important! Calcium also helps regulate muscle function, which means that if your child isn't getting enough calcium in their diet or through other means (like exercise).
- Zinc: Zinc helps regulate testosterone production in boys and estrogen production in girls, which helps with growth spurt timing.
- Manganese: This mineral plays a vital role in supporting the healthy development of bones during puberty and adolescence by helping with bone formation and mineralisation.
Genes Aside, Here’s How You Can Help Your Child Grow Taller
Nutrients and Vitamins Needed By Mums During Pregnancy
10 Nutritious Snacks That Can Boost Your Kids’ Height
Supplements To Avoid
L-Glutamine, L-leucine, Alpha-GPC
There are many nutritional supplements to help a child grow taller. These three are the most commonly marketed ones.
L-Glutamine and L-Leucine are amino acids that are abundantly found in food. They play an important part in the growth process by participating in the production of proteins that build up the body. However, the safety of supplements with L-glutamine is not established in children.
An overdose of L-Leucine can cause pellagra in children. It could lead to diarrhoea, dermatitis, delirium, and even death. It is best to avoid unindicated supplementation of these products.
Alpha-glycerophosphocholine works on the brain. It improves coordination, and athletes frequently take it to improve performance. It's marketed as a height booster, but it has not been proven. An overdose of this chemical can cause severe symptoms.
As a rule of thumb, do not give your child any medications or even supplements without the approval and recommendation of their paediatrician.
Image Source: iStock
Mums and dads, Your kid has the genetic potential to reach a certain height. The general idea is to keep your child active, keep him healthy and encourage him to eat a balanced diet. Use supplements to help your child grow taller only when your doctor indicates.
If you think your child is behind when it comes to height, do not hesitate to talk to their paediatrician about it.
Updates by Pheona Ilagan
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it's important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn't serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.