Newborn baby ornewbornare born with several natural reflexes that help them in the early days of life, including abilitiessucking reflexor sucking reflex.
This reflex is an unconscious movement that occurs spontaneously. The sucking reflex occurs when the roof of the baby’s mouth is touched by a nursing nipple or a bottle of breast milk.
The baby will start sucking when this area is stimulated, which will help him in the breastfeeding process or when the baby is bottle fed.
The strength of the reflex depends on a number of factors, including the age of your little one, whether they are full-term or premature. Read on to learn about the sucking reflex orsucking reflexThis.
What’s thatSucking Reflex?

Sucking reflexor sucking reflex is one of the seven natural reflexes that newborn babies have . Other reflexes include the Moro reflex , the grasping reflex, therooting, stepping reflex, and fencing reflex.
This sucking reflex is important, especially in the first few weeks of their life.
As the months pass, babies will make movements consciously and become able and aware of controlling them as they grow and develop.
Launching the pageHealthline, the sucking reflex actually occurs in two stages. When the mother’s nipple ornippleWhen a bottle of milk is placed in the baby’s mouth, they will start sucking automatically.
When breastfeeding, the baby will place his lips on the areola and press the nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. They will use similar movements when bottle-feeding.
The next stage occurs when the baby moves his tongue to the nipple to suck.
FunctionSucking ReflexBaby
Sucking reflexvery important, because it is related to the success of the little one in feeding or during the breastfeeding process. Failure of this reflex function can cause the baby to be malnourished or malnourished.
WhenSucking ReflexBaby Starting to Show?

So, when does this sucking reflex start to develop in newborns?
PagesWhat to Expectexplains, the sucking reflex develops while the baby is still in the womb, around 32 weeks of pregnancy and is fully developed at 36 weeks of pregnancy.
That’s why you may have caught a glimpse of your baby sucking their thumb or hand in an ultrasound photo. It’s like a warm-up for the real world.
At birth, this sucking reflex appears as a desire to suckle, which is strongest about one hour after birth.
Healthlinealso explained that babies born prematurely may not have a strong sucking reflex at birth.
Premature babies sometimes need extra help getting nutrition through a feeding tube inserted through the nose into the stomach.
It may take weeks for a premature baby to coordinate sucking and swallowing skills.
How to TestSucking Reflex

Mothers can test their baby’s sucking reflex by placing a nipple (breast or bottle), clean finger, or pacifier in the baby’s mouth.
When the reflex is fully developed, the baby will place his lips around the object and then squeeze it rhythmically between his tongue and the roof of his mouth.
Talk to your pediatrician ifParentssuspect a problem with the baby’s sucking reflex.
Because the sucking reflex is very important for the baby’s breastfeeding process, failure of this reflex function can cause malnutrition , as quoted from the pageHealthline.
Can AbilitySucking ReflexStrengthened?
The sucking reflex is natural for most babies.newborn, unless your baby was born too early or has neurological problems.
However, in order to suck efficiently, babies do need help to do so.
Latching on and sucking involve a series of maneuvers. A common problem is when your little one has a weak or inefficient suck (as many premature babies do).
How can you tell your baby is not sucking effectively?What to Expectexplains some of the signs, including:
- Your baby feeds, then lets go again and again
- Fall asleep after sucking for two to three minutes
- Breastfeeding for more than 45 minutes and still seems hungry
- Do not suck continuously for 10 minutes
- Getting very frustrated when she’s breastfeeding
- Your nipples are constantly sore, cracked or bruised
How to deal with breastfeeding and latching problems?
Quoting the pageWhat to Expect, first get help from the start, either from a hospital nurse or from a lactation consultant.
They may recommend a nipple shield, which fits over your nipple and areola for better latch.
Try to limit feedings to more than 45 minutes, otherwise you or your baby may become frustrated and fussy. Then pump the rest of the milk to maintain your milk supply.
Also make sure your baby takes the nipple and areola in his mouth when he latches on so his gums can press on the milk ducts under the areola to get milk.
Place your hand on your breast until your baby’s mouth is wide open, then bring your baby close to your breast. Once your baby is firmly attached, release.
You will know that your baby is latched on properly if his nose and chin touch your breast and you hear him swallowing milk.
Your little one will end each nursing session with a sleepy, contented look. It takes a lot of coordination for a baby to master sucking, swallowing, and breathing simultaneously, so be patient, Mom.
What is the differenceSucking ReflexwithRooting Reflex?

Rooting reflexAndsucking reflexwalk together.Rooting reflexoccurs when your baby turns their head when their cheek or the corner of their mouth is stroked. It’s as if they are trying to find the nipple.
To test reflexesrooting:
- Wipe your baby’s cheek or mouth.
- Take noterootingthe little one from side to side.
As your baby gets older, usually around three weeks of age, they will turn more quickly to the side being stroked. This reflexrootingusually disappears within 4 months.
When Should Mothers Be Alert?
Newborn reflexes show that your little one’s brain and nervous system are working together and preparing your baby for a time when his movements are less random.
Babies who do not have this reflex may have something wrong with their nervous system.
If the suck is weak, and your baby was not born prematurely, then the doctor will look for other causes (which could turn out to be jaundice or infection).
If your baby isn’t nursing to soothe himself or is showing signs of ineffective sucking, talk to your pediatrician. He or she will examine you and recommend other tips to help you cope.
Once your baby gets better at coordinating sucking, swallowing, and breathing, the sucking reflex will turn into a skill.
These are the important things for mothers to learn about.sucking reflexin babies. Knowing how the sucking reflex works can help you overcome any breastfeeding difficulties you may have with your baby.
Sometimes simple things like changing positions can make a big difference. If you have questions or concerns that your baby isn’t getting enough, contact your doctor or a lactation consultant.
Republished with permission from theAsianParent Indonesia