Asian parents are known for their Kiasu parenting style and strictness. So it comes as no surprise that some often resort to strict disciplinary measures like scolding or even caning. But, surprisingly this temperament undergoes a massive change when they become grandparents.
This is exactly what celebrity mum Jade Rasif shared on her Instagram account.
She spoke about her mum being a “child beater” when she was young, but now that she is a grandmother she has turned into a complete softy!
Jade Rasif Instagram Stories About Her Mum Being A Strict Kiasu Parent Are Totally Relatable
Screengrab: Instagram/Jade Rasif
The social media influencer shared that her mum used to “beat the s**t out of them” for misbehaving and throwing a tantrum in public.
She even shared how her mum used to take her and sister Tyen Rasif out to buy canes. They were also allowed to choose the colour of the handle– giving her fans a fair idea of her mum’s strict parenting style.
Screengrab: Instagram/Jade Rasif
But now when her grandson is throwing a fit over Baby shark, this “former child beater” says, “Don’t scold him, he’s not spoilt. He is just manifesting.”
Her post clearly reflects how Jade Rasif’s mum has mellowed down with age. She is no longer the strict cane-wielding woman, and her softer side is more visible thanks to her grandson.
Well, this softer side of her mum’s has clearly rubbed off on Rasif, who is known for her gentle yet strong parenting style. In fact, if we could point at the one thing we absolutely love about Jade Rasif, it is perhaps her parenting style.
5 Parenting Lessons To Learn From Jade Rasif
Jade Rasif & sister (Image courtesy: Instagram)
1. Believe in hard work
Jade Rasif believes in hard work. In an earlier interview, she said “As long as I work hard, I can give my son the best life. She had reportedly turned down a proposal from the baby’s father and explained, “My mum raised three kids herself. She just worked hard.” Believing in this mantra, she hopes to move on in life.
2. Help others
The DJ began volunteering with the Singapore Healthcare Corps in April amid the pandemic and is now a full-time healthcare worker. She believes in passing this pearl of wisdom “the route to happiness is helping other people” to her son when he grows up.
3. Stay alert
Jade Rasif warned parents to be alert about “sugar baby ads” that showed up on kid videos. Rasif had claimed that an advertisement “for [a] prostitution website” unexpectedly surfaced while she was showing her niece a video on YouTube.
At the time she wrote, “Mummies please be careful. Was showing my sick niece a documentary about children who survive life-threatening illnesses… and YouTube showed us an advertisement for this prostitution website.” So, Jade has always been this alert mum, who has never hesitated to raise a red flag whenever the situation called for.
4. Speak about gender stereotypes
For International Women’s Day 2021, Jade, along with other celebs spoke about gender stereotypes on MTV Asia. In Jade’s introduction video, she spoke about how people labelled her as a “sexy DJ” and how she has grown into that image.
She firmly voiced her opinion that how “women should be able to define themselves however they want to define themselves… they should absolutely have that power of choice.”
5. Respect your child’s privacy on social media
Jade had earlier said she does not want any pictures or information of her son to be on social media. She respects her son’s privacy and wants him to be able to consent to the idea of having his pictures posted.
Jade Rasif is also known for being a strong-willed woman and showed us all the way when she was recently embroiled in a tiff with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
Jade Rasif: The Strong-willed Iron lady
Jade Rasif’s Instagram post detailed how a maid that her family had employed from Indonesia was released from her stay-home notice after a few days. Rasif said she was told this was because the domestic worker had “recovered.”
But, two weeks later the maid was called up for a COVID-19 test, which turned out to be positive. She was then placed under stay-home notice again.
The social media influencer had shared that her family was neither provided with information regarding the maid’s status – including where she was taken to – nor told if family members had to quarantine themselves.
Jade said that she was then investigated by the police for “violating a quarantine order” despite not having received one. The ministry then refuted claims made by Ms Rasif on how the events unfolded.
Ms Rasif then came on Instagram to share several recordings and screenshots of what appeared to be conversations with MOM’s staff members. The ministry then acknowledged that its officers “could have done better” and been “more tactful” in addressing Ms Rasif’s questions.
MOM apologised to Ms Rasif for saying that her account of events surrounding her foreign domestic worker with COVID-19 was “inaccurate.”
From raising her son as a single mum to calling out government bodies for their “mistakes,” Jade Rasif is a perfect example of beauty with brains! More power to her!
MOM Says Jade Rasif’s Account Of Maid With Covid-19 ‘Inaccurate’, Latter Disagrees
Jade Rasif Warns Parents About ‘Sugar Baby’ Ad Shown on Kids’ Videos, Advises Taking Precautions When Watching Videos Online.