Mummies, HELP ME! My 3-month-old boy cries for milk, and then when I give him he will struggle and scream then suck for a while then struggle and scream again continuously. He doesn’t always finish up his milk anymore. He’s hungry, but why is he acting like this? Is he on a milk strike?
It has been 2 weeks + already. The milk temperature is just nice. I need advice on whether this is a milk strike or something else entirely.
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But First, What Is A Milk Strike?
A milk strike – or also known as nursing or breastfeeding strike – is when your baby appears to be nursing perfectly fine until they aren’t. Suddenly you might find that your baby refuses to be breastfed.
Despite refusing the breast, they also act as if they seem unhappy or fussy by not nursing. This could be a sign of a milk strike beginning in your little one.
A milk strike also usually starts when your baby is at least 3 months old. This is when they are more aware of the world around them which may make them overwhelmed leading to fussiness.
What Causes A Nursing Strike?
Here are several reasons as to why your little tot may feel uncomfortable nursing or breastfeeding:
- Congestion
- Earache
- Sore throat
- Cut or an ulcer in their mouth
- Illnesses or diseases that hugely impact their mouth
- Teething
- Sore gums
- Frustration with how slow the milk flow is or how too fast it is
- Change of taste of the milk
- Being startled by loud noises
- Sensing that you are stressed, angry or upset

When The Baby Is On A Nursing Strike!
Here are a few suggestions from the community now on what you can do when your little one seems to be on a milk strike.
Serene Chew: Hmmm…Try burping him before and during a feed. Maybe there’s gas in his tummy. Or maybe he screams and cries swallowed gas. And did u recently change his milk bottle/teat?
Jasline Khor: You can try gripe water… may help
Agatha Ayden: Serene- No, I didn’t change anything. He, not only struggles, but he also keeps turning his head left and right. Then when I force the milk in his mouth, he will drink. Then after drinking halfway he will again go on a nursing strike. It’s a headache. Jasline, I used to feed him gripe water because he didn’t like to drink plain water.
Jasmine Lee: Maybe he has Colic, feeling very unwell in the tummy, like my gal also like this too. Maybe u can apply some yu yee oil.
Alice Tan: My almost 3mth old son also behaves this way, he used to finish till the end. Now every time halfway or almost finishing, he will start refusing to drink…
Agatha Ayden: What’s colic?? I always apply ru yi oil morning and night after his bath.
Ang YiMin: Check the bottle teats. Maybe too small.
Agatha Ayden: Nope it’s big. When I put the milk on his lips he likes to test machine first, then struggle & kick to throw himself backwards. Must force then he will drink. Why why why?? Going crazy…
Boo Soo Fern: Colic usually starts in the evening and has a repeated pattern. I advise recording bb daily schedule n show PD for advice. Oh ya, check bb tongue. If there is a thick white layer then may be time to clean. Baby cannot taste the milk and may cause infection I think. Check it out.
Agatha Ayden: I always use a wet handkerchief and rub his tongue every morning. Don’t think it is this. He does his stunts the whole day. Sighs.
Serene Chew: So sorry I’ve never encountered anything like this. Maybe you can try to feed him in another position see if it helps? Maybe that’s how he will stop his nursing strike!
Joanne Lam: I bought my baby went checkup n the doctor told me after three months, the baby will start to refuse milk and the milk intake might go down.
Ang Yimin: Try to google “baby on milk strike,” or “nursing strike.” There may be some answer for you.
Jasmine Lee: I think what the doctor said was true, I read from the book also say about it but not all babies are the same.
Agatha Ayden: Hey mummies, thanks for all your concern. I’ve solved the mystery by changing a new teat for him!
Jasmine Lee: He cannot wait, Milk flow too slow. Same as my daughter cannot wait too.
Mary Yee: I encounter this before too. But I try to spoon-feed her with the milk. She doesn’t want to be bottle-fed. This lasted me for 2 weeks and back to normal.
While there are many ways to overcome a milk strike in babies, you should start being concerned about their milk strike if they refuse to eat no matter how you feed them. It could also be serious if you find your baby is losing weight, not peeing or pooping like regular.
Observing these signs in your baby may be more than just a milk strike and may need immediate attention from your paediatrician.
Also read: Is my baby allergic to formula?