Joel was conceived naturally after months of trying with help from our IVF Doctor. Due date was to be 21 December 2003. I was caught unaware on 12 Dec with contractions while out with a colleague.
Seeing my discomfort he sent me to Yishun Polyclinic. While waiting I was tring to count the contractions but they seem to be erratic. When it was finally my turn, I was shocked to hear that I was already dilated 3 cm! I rushed to KK Women and Children’s Hospital. I was trying for natural birth till close to 12 midnight, my blood pressure dropped and Joel had already passed motion.
Worried that Joel would be stressed and my dilation was not enough, I underwent an emergency C-section.
It was great to hear him cry though I couldn’t see him at birth.
Joel was born at 0026hrs 13 Dec 2003.