They say subtlety is a virtue that’s increasingly becoming rarer by the day. And we all know at least one person who seems like they do not understand the concept at all.
Whether they belong to your family or your friends’ circle, if there is an opportunity to grab attention, they’ll be there to create the perfect storm. You could call them extroverts, brash, authoritative, or simply loud.
But the fact of the matter is they know how to attract the attention of others. It won’t be out of line to call them drama kings and queens of your circle.
Now, it’s totally up to you if you enjoy giving them that attention or simply roll your eye every time they pass a loud comment. And if you do confront them for their behaviour, odds are they’ll just blame it on their “personality” or even worse, “sun sign.”
But as it turns out their sun sign just might have something to do with it.
You see, some zodiac signs are meant to be a little “extra”, a trait that you will find in only some people. So maybe, you can cut them some slack after all or stay away altogether.
Either way, here’s a list of the dramatic zodiac signs that you need to know about.
5 Dramatic Zodiac Signs You Need To Be Careful Of
1. Aries: (March 21 to April 19)
Can’t resist the opportunity to pick a fight
If you are an Aries or know someone who is, you know that people of this zodiac sign can’t resist taking an opportunity to start a fight. No matter what the fight is about and the situation they might be in, they are capable of starting a fight with a random stranger.
Don’t be surprised if they say something rude to someone in their presence or at their colleague for going to lunch without informing them.
If you muster up the courage to tell an Aries to take a deep breath, it’s bound to make them angrier. So might as well go ahead and do it.
2. Leo: (July 23-August 22)
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Potential to turn a minor conflict into big blown drama
A Leo can actually turn a small conflict into full-blown drama. They have a very strong personality and their presence can be felt from all corners of the room.
They can draw the attention of the public through their strong fashion and overall style.
An issue that might look trivial to you, may seem like an opportunity to overreact–to a Leo. Even if you try to explain that it’s better to let certain things go, they are simply in their own zone trying to think about how they will blow the next thing out of proportion.
Can’t, rather don’t argue with that logic.
3. Cancer: (June 21 – July 22)
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No control over their mood
You may find that a Cancerian exhibits several moods and they have simply no control over them. Even the slightest shift in energy can send a Cancerian into their most dramatic moods.
In one moment, they might be the sweetest person on the earth and in the next moment, they can be everyone’s nightmare.
You will mostly find them creating drama so they could make others turn in their favour and give them sympathy and support.
Learn to identify when it’s drama and when it’s not so you don’t get manipulated.
4. Pisces: (February 19-March 20)
Feelings change like a drop of a hat
Even though Pisceans are mostly known to be meek and soft, they tend to have aggressive personalities. Their feelings can change at the drop of a hat. And they like showing you the victim card even when it’s their fault.
For Pisceans, the tendency to get stuck in dreamland and embellish situations can cause friction with those around them. It often leaves people confused.
You are left wondering if what they’ve said is authentic or another one of their fantasy lands.
5. Scorpio: (October 23 to November 22)
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Can go to any extent to be dramatic
If you are a Scorpio, you know that your reputation is pretty bad among all the zodiac signs. They can be very dramatic just for the sake of pleasing others. For instance, they could end up buying an expensive car just to ‘look cool.’
By creating all the drama, they build their contacts. Using this, they work their way towards their goal.
They act dramatically most of the time, just to feel more, which is not always healthy. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with living a low-key life.
These are some of the dramatic zodiac signs that you need to watch out for. These folks are humanly incapable of taking the chill pill and letting things go.
They make sure to not let the drama go anywhere and while it may be entertaining for some, it can get annoying all too quickly. They can be your friends or family but it’s important to keep reminding them if their dramatic behaviour is affecting your life.
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