Loyalty in every relationship is a quality that will help you process the good and bad days in any relationship. As an individual, you know that your partner is with you to weather the storm and the many challenges life has in store.
That’s exactly why it’s hard to believe when your partner turns out to be unfaithful, breaking your trust in the process. It leaves a scar that takes a long time to heal, and maybe a little broken too. But you do heal, and you do find someone that understands and respects, and won’t play with your trust.
So does this mean you do not date/marry/live with your partner? Of course not.
Relationships are very much a reality and need to be a part of everyone’s lives. And you must enter every new relationship with a positive mindset. Nobody has the word “cheater” written on them to warn you about their ideology. However, if you are concerned about whether they are capable of doing something like that, you may have to look up to find the answer.
And by ‘up’ we mean in the stars.
As it turns out, zodiac signs can tell you a lot more than just which colour to wear every day. In fact, they can tell you about common personality and behaviour traits that are associated with each sun sign. So, to make things easier for you, we’ve made a list of the seven most unfaithful female zodiac signs that could cheat on you.
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1. Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Aquarians are harmless flirts but they are also headstrong, rebellious, and exuberant. Aquarian women aren’t too fond of authoritative figures and want their independence.
They care deeply about their beliefs and will make sure their voices are heard. But they are also flirtatious by nature and extremely open to new experiences. While this isn’t to say that they are bound to cheat on you, but that door does seem to stay cracked open.
2. Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Sagittarians are naturally funny, extroverts who can hold a conversation. They are charismatic and will make sure you listen to them. They also like being chased and the adrenaline rush that new experiences bring with them. Of course, all that charm brings a lot of attention and temptations can grow strong.
3. Gemini May 21 – June 20
When it comes to one of the most unfaithful female zodiac signs, Gemini women can be really up there. They are versatile, intelligent and love gossip, and they won’t hesitate to flirt.
But Gemini women can also be increasingly unpredictable, indecisive and will make impulsive decisions to cure their boredom. Not the best sign in any relationship.
Image Source: Pixabay
4. Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Scorpions may show a hard exterior shell but they are sensitive, caring and empathetic. They are quite practical too and have a strong sense of justice in them. That’s why you wouldn’t want to cross your ways with a Scorpio woman.
They don’t take being wronged kindly and can have anger and controlling issues. So, don’t even think you’ll be able to get away with it by going against her. She’ll be revengeful, jealous and controlling, and might just cheat to teach you a lesson.
5. Libra September 23 – October 22
Librans are perfectionists that like to surround themselves with the best of everything. This extends to things and people. Libran women love being lobed and aren’t too fond of staying single for a long time.
At the same time, they also have commitment issues. Both these traits cross each other and can begin relationships but not end them in the right way.
6. Leo July 23 – August 22
Leos are go-getters that have a clear vision of what they want to do. They love being the centre of attention and constantly expect their partners to shower them with gifts, grand gestures and praise.
While the idea of showing love is great, it can be overwhelming for the other person. This can be frustrating for Leo women who will do different things to grab that special attention once again. And sometimes, they may go overboard with the same.
Image Source: Pixabay
7. Aries March 21 – April 19
The final sunsign on our list of most unfaithful female zodiac signs is Aries. Aries are impulsive in nature and are largely a single spirit. They are also short-tempered and impatient and can overreact to situations when things go awry. That’s exactly the problem because they might just end up abandoning the relationship in no time and are likely to cheat.
While a zodiac sign will tell you about common personality traits, please don’t take them as the gospel truth when it comes to loyalty. Every person has a different journey and a different situation and they are likely to react differently to it. At the end of the day, both partners need to work hard to make any relationship work.
Source: Bonobology.com
9 Most Unfaithful Zodiac Signs That Can’t Stop Cheating On Their Wives
Your Monthly Zodiac Forecast: 5th June To 6th July 2021