She was recently slammed for ‘rehoming’ her first adopted son Huxley, who suffers from autism, but now Youtuber Myka Stauffer has hit back at her critics and has claimed it was the boy’s decision to leave the family.
“We would never just give up a child with special needs, this is a personal matter to Hux. It had nothing to do with he just had Autism,” Myka said of the four-year-old boy who is now with another family.
“Multiple scary things happened inside the home towards our other children, and if these events happened with one of my biological kids, after all the help and after the behaviours we witnessed sadly we would have no other choice then to seek help and get their needs met,” she added.
When the decision was first announced, the news came as a shock to fans who accused Myla and husband James for using the boy for publicity.
“There’s not an ounce of our body that doesn’t want Huxley with all of our beings. There wasn’t a minute that I didn’t try our hardest,” Myka said in a YouTube video.
Youtuber who rehomed her son: Myla and James have defended their decision to rehome their adopted son Huxley. | Picture: Myka Stauffer/YouTube
“Huxley wanted this”
“Do I feel like a failure as a mom? 500 percent,” said the Youtuber who rehomed her son.
But her explanation was met with disapproval. “@MykaStauffer adopted an autistic child from China and after years of having him, she gave him up for adoption because he had ‘bad behaviour’ after using him for $$$ on her YouTube channel,” one user commented online.
“She adopted a child for views and then got rid of him and treated him like a brand deal,” another added.
“What Myka Stauffer and her husband did is awful. You don’t just give a child back … “ one more tweeted.
People is now reporting some companies have dumped the mummy blogger over the situation.
Among the businesses who have stepped away from Stauffer include Mattel/Barbie, US restaurant brand Chilli’s and fitness apparel company Fabletics, which is owned by Hollywood actress Kate Hudson.
Despite the backlash, Myla responded to her fan’s comments and insisted that it was ultimately Huxley’s decision on why he left.
“Huxley wanted this decision 100%. We saw that in family time with other people, he constantly chose them and signed with and showed tons of emotion to show us and let us know he wanted this,” she said.
Huxley was adopted by the family in 2017. | Picture: Instagram
“Huxley needed more help”
“Huxley never had a say in his adoption, and he needed more help and also wanted this and we know that 100%.”
James and Myla’s lawyers also released a statement on their behalf, defending their actions.
“Since his adoption, they consulted with multiple professionals in the healthcare and educational arenas in order to provide Huxley with the best possible treatment and care,” the statement read.
“Over time, the team of medical professionals advised our clients it might be best for Huxley to be placed with another family.”
This article was first published on KidSpot and republished on theAsianparent with permission.
Youtuber Blasted for ‘Rehoming’ Adopted Son with Autism
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