It has been a tumultuous week. The tragic events in Mumbai and the confusions in Bangkok have overshadowed the gloom of the economic recession.
Terror attacks, something Singaporeans previously could only identify with through television and newspapers, have hit home strongly. Terrorism has claimed its first ever Singaporean victim.
Ms Lo Hwei Yen, 28, was initially taken hostage at The Oberoi Trident hotel. She was later brutally shot in the abdomen and head by the militants.
If this heinous hateful atrocity has to serve any purpose, let it be to remind us that life is fragile and the moments we share with our loved ones must be treasured. Some may have heard the phrase “Love knows not its own depth, until the hour of separation.” This is painfully experienced by the families of the victims. This has made me ponder, with separation possible anytime, do we show our families enough appreciation? Loving someone and showing your love for them are two completely different entities.
Go on, tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. Nothing would make their day brighter. Strikes, terrorism, and even economic gloom – we have endured worse in history and come out stronger. The human spirit may falter but will prevail.
To the husband and family of Ms Hwei Yen, theAsianparent offers its heartfelt condolences.