We’re not going to ask you what you are wishing for this season. We’re asking you to reflect on the many things that you already have—but perhaps take for granted because of its lovely simplicity. We gloss over these gifts and expect that they will be there for good. Let’s take a few minutes to see the many uncomplicated and priceless gifts that we should be ever thankful for…
Love – Some of us don’t relish in love as much as we should because we are too busy going about the hustle bustle of everyday life. Love is too romantic and sentimental a notion and emotion to dwell in. But it’s good to slow down once in a while, especially now, to think of the sacrifices our loved ones are making for us instead of focusing on how much we play Santa all the time—then we’ll notice that we are so loved. Are you feeling the warm and fuzzy feeling while basking in the thought of how loved we are as a spouse, a mother, a lover, a child, a friend…? Makes you want to dish out more love, right? Go ahead and do it—there is no such thing as too much love. Or is there?
Peace – Peace of mind or peace of the country, we all crave for a little peace in our hearts from the day’s stressors. Think of all the wars and violence out there in the world and compare it to the tranquil and serene lives we have in comparison victims out there.
Family– For new mums and dads, life must be greatly exciting now. Also, for those who are pregnant and are prepping to start that new family, we can only imagine the joy you’re experiencing. We don’t have to say much about being thankful for your family and loved ones, you know better. Perhaps take this time to tell them how much you love them and show some affection—even if it’s not really your style to be sappy.
Food – Oh, the Christmas goodies and New Year party yummies that you are to indulge in…creamy, calorie-laden, rum-drenched, chocolate dripping…need we say more? Make sure you have a New Year’s resolution in place for all the extra servings. (wink)
Career– Yeah, we are talking about that job that puts the bread on the table. Indeed there are times when you wish you don’t have to deal with the quirky office people, but they are the ones that give you something to laugh about—perhaps you won’t look so smart without them surrounding you. (Just kidding) This is a great chance to think about the jobless people out there wishing they can feed their kids this Christmas.
Health– We tend to complain when we’re not in the pink of health; even a slight tummy ache may cause some excessive whining. Do we ever think of the condition of our general health? Once again, we should take this moment to think of how blessed we are and send some positive vibes to those who are bed-ridden, terminally ill or living their last days.
We have collected some quotes of some very thankful people this holiday season. Here’s what they have to say:
Shanty Dass: I’m thankful for the precious baby in my tummy… we thought we couldn’t have. Deeply gracious with this surprise bundle of joy!
Holly Macuch: I am thankful for the trials that life gives me because it lets me know my strength– and I am thankful for my health. My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer today. Guess that is where my thankfulness comes from for my two things.
Vanessa: I am thankful for a beautiful child who is healthy and a husband who is loving and caring. Materialistically, I am thankful for my new car and iPod touch. Hehehe.
Vania: Thankful for peace!
Daniel Eng: I am thankful for the opportunity to see my loved ones experiencing and finding purpose again.
Naira: I am thankful to God for the love He has put in the hearts of those who inspire and motivate me. In my darkest hours in 2011 to the highlights of the year. I am grateful and look forward to 2012 continuing the cycle by inspiring someone else!
Yaway: I’m thankful for God’s watchful eye on me, guiding me even on the smallest matter in life. I’m thankful for my intact family, unharmed, a considerate and loving husband after all we have went through. I’m thankful to have true friends who I can count on, and love me for who I am. And I love them just as much too.
Dominique De Smet: I am thankful for meeting new people in my life, which are helping me to achieve a better future and give the love I need.
Matt Covington: I am thankful for the truth and life I have in Christ…through Him I am given more than I deserve including my wonderful family!
David: I have a loving family that loves me “in spite of” not “because of”!
Aarti Doshi: Amongst the cheerful celebrations and fun festivities of the Christmas season, I am grateful to have someone to love, a family to go home to and a fulfilling career. Happy holidays everyone!
Nadiah: I’m thankful for where I am now, I feel like I’ve accomplished so much this year and I wouldn’t have it without my loved ones
Watch this video for a quick smile:
Tell us what you are thankful for in 2012?