Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addressed the public on Friday (10 April) to urge them to stay at home and to “take the circuit breaker very seriously.”
The speech came a day after Singapore reported its biggest single-day jump on new COVID-19 cases, with 287 new infections.
While 70% of the new cases are linked to foreign worker dormitories, Mr Lee noted that outside of these clusters, “the number of cases in the general community has also gone up.”
“Many of these cases are unlinked. We do not know how they got infected, or from whom. So the persons who infected them are probably still out there, and still infecting more people,” Mr Lee said stressing the importance of implementing “circuit breakers.”
“Take Circuit Breaker Very Seriously,” says PM Lee
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivering addressing the public regard COVID-19 on 10 April. (Photo: Ministry of Communications and Information)
Mr Lee acknowledged that the circuit breaker measures—aimed at combat the spread of the virus here—are “inconvenient” and “come at high cost to our economy.”
“The more strictly we observe the restrictions, the faster they will work, and the sooner we can ease up on them. If some of us fail to comply strictly with the measures, the circuit breaker will fail, then all our inconvenience, pain and sacrifice will have been in vain. COVID-19 is very contagious,” Mr Lee said.
He also urged everyone to play their part.
Mr Lee also reminded everyone that during this period, it is best:
- Stay home
- Stop socialising with others in person—even with extended families who do not live in with you
- Keep in touch with your loved ones by other means such as online, on the phone, writing emails or even letters.
The Prime Minister further stressed the importance of avoiding physical contact as this is how the virus spreads.
“Please comply not just with the letter of the rules, but their spirit,” Mr Lee said.
Special appeal to older Singaporeans
The Prime Minister also made a special appeal to older Singaporeans during the address, acknowledging the struggles they may be facing in adhering to the circuit breakers.
“I am one of you, so I know how you feel. When we are cooped up at home, we get restless and frustrated. We want to meet our friends, visit our grandchildren, stretch our legs, and resume our familiar routines – qigong sessions, karaoke groups, hanging out for kopi or a beer with friends. But please understand: We are telling you to stay at home for your own safety,” Mr Lee said.
He also emphasised on how older people are more vulnerable to the virus.
“If we catch COVID-19, it is a serious matter. Our chances of dying are much higher, and if we get infected and spread the virus to our friends around our age, or bring the virus back home to our families, then, we put them in grave danger,” the Prime Minister said.
“So please stay home. Use this chance to spend more time with your family, or watch your favourite TV programmes. If you need anything from outside, ask others to get it for you. If you have really no choice but to go out for food or necessities, make sure you wear a mask, and stay a safe distance away from everyone else. Do not linger and do not dawdle – come home once you have completed your errand,” Mr Lee added.
Mr Lee also noted on the “some flexibility in the law” to accommodate those elderly Singaporeans who live alone and would need help to go about their daily lives.
This comes after the multi-ministry taskforce has prohibited parents from dropping off their children at their grandparents’ homes as a measure to protect the seniors.
PM Lee made a special appeal to older Singaporeans. | Image source: iStock
“If it is at all possible, do not visit between households, not even close kin, not even elderly parents. For example, if you need the grandparents’ help for childcare, then let your kids stay with the grandparents for this period. Do not drop them off and pick them up every day. This is to protect our seniors, and also to protect other people in Singapore.
PM Lee To Give Updates “From Time To Time”
Mr Lee said he will speak to the public from time to time to give updates on the situations through Facebook, to ensure Singaporeans know “what the real situation is, what we are thinking, what you can expect and how you can play your part to fight this virus.”
The situation will get worse before it gets better, according to the Prime Minister. Concluding his address, he said: “for us to get there as soon as possible, please stay at home.”
ALSO READ: How To Keep Our Elderly Loved Ones Safe During The Outbreak