These days, technology has virtually taken over all our lives, and it is getting more difficult to raise our children to become responsible, capable, and functional citizens of our society.
There is a tendency for all of us to become too dependent on the trappings of technology to perform practically all activities and this includes how we raise our children.
Admit it or not, because of our busy and stress-ridden workdays, there is little time to focus on how our children are growing up and most often, we tend to find ways to make our jobs of raising them a lot easier and more convenient.
It might be surprising to know that martial arts can be a source of valuable teachings our children can derive from.
There are so many things one can learn from the mere practice and daily training of martial arts that could develop and form not just the physical but the total well-being of our children.
In this regard, martial arts becomes a powerful tool that helps us teach our children the values we would like them to acquire as they go on with their lives. Today, we share four ways martial arts helps us to raise our children.
1) Draw attention away from technology and allow them to unplug
It is not uncommon to find kids glued to their gadgets. These gadgets include anything from laptops, tablets, mobile phones, television, etc.
The options are varied and readily available. The scope of information they get from these devices are endless, and it is very easy for our kids to fall into the trap of becoming addicted to the internet for all the extra-curricular activities they can engage themselves in.
Gaming is just one activity that gets our kids totally addicted to their devices. Sadly, it could become their major source of social interaction.
By encouraging our kids to engage in martial arts, we actually introduce them to an alternative form of education and entertainment.
It is our chance to offer them a source of activity that can take them away from their gadgets for some time and at the same time, teach them the valuable lessons in martial arts while building a more positive self-image.
Because martial arts teaches the values of discipline, hard work, integrity, and respect, we might not realize it but martial arts can ultimately be our partner in raising a well-rounded individual ready to face the world and all the challenges they could encounter.
2) Solve the problem of bullying with the values of martial arts
One thing most parents are afraid of is their child being bullied by other children. It is a major concern especially when our children are away from our watchful eyes.
Kids who are bullied and kids who bully others may experience serious, lasting problems that could affect how they deal with their relationships.
Although it may seem like martial arts training may not be helpful, it is absolutely the opposite.
Martial arts teaches kids peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills and emphasizes the importance of avoiding a physical confrontation.
Furthermore, martial arts not only teaches children how to avoid using violence as a form of self-defense but it also teaches children how to pick themselves up after being knocked down.
Through martial arts training, your child can learn how to effectively redirect his energies when provoked through any form of aggression such as threats or being attacked physically or verbally.
By learning how to manage situations, your child can handle stressful situations at school, reducing the likelihood of him or her from being bullied.
And in cases where self-defense is necessary, your child will be well-equipped with the gift of martial arts and will be practically bully-proof.
3) Improve self-esteem and succeed in life
Image source: Evolve MMA
Kids who struggle with low self-esteem usually become more confident as time progresses while they’re enrolled in a martial arts class.
Building self-confidence in children is a duty every parent needs to be aware of. It prepares the children to deal with everyday situations they will encounter while growing up.
Confidence comes with achievement, so the child’s self-esteem level will get a boost with every new technique he masters or every training milestone reached while practicing martial arts.
It is not easy for children to develop social skills when they have very low self-esteem and lack the confidence to assert themselves out into the world. But by training in martial arts, the task becomes much easier.
Partner-driven martial arts like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can foster camaraderie, as they force kids to pair off and build their skills together. It can be the perfect means by which children get to learn about social and interactive skills to uplift the way they perceive themselves.
Kids learn that confidence and respect for others come from a deep sense of self-knowledge that they are able to realize while undergoing training.
Every achievement earned, every goal accomplished, and every task completed in the practice of martial arts will be a welcome boost to any child’s self-esteem.
4) Enhance coordination and develop advanced motor skills
Developing coordination and motor skills in children is necessary to ensure that they are able to perform tasks.
Children that have problems with their motor skills and coordination usually have floppy or rigid muscle tones, lack spatial awareness, have very low endurance for physical tasks and have difficulty with sensory perceptions.
These things affect how children go about their daily activities.
Enrolling our children in martial arts training will discourage the sedentary lifestyle while giving them an enjoyable activity that will inspire them to keep moving.
This is the obvious reason kids should do martial arts in this day and age – to get active and moving.
Children will be more coordinated, less susceptible to accidents, and be much more aware of their body and how to use it correctly.
Children with strong bodies, excellent motor skills, and physical coordination will have improved health, great athletic performance, as well as enhanced capabilities to undertake other physical activities they might choose to indulge in.
So, if you are wanting to help ensure your child has the best upbringing, enroll them in martial arts! Sign up for a trial class today.
This article was first published on Evolve MMA and was republished on theAsianparent with permission.
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