Keep your children happy and active by providing them with balanced meals and nutritious snacks.
As a mum with young kids, your life is nothing short of hectic – they’re constantly on the go and have you running around every day! The thing is, you don’t really mind because active kids and a house full of laughter means your kids are happy and well.
It’s important that you maintain their cheerful disposition by feeding them a balanced meal 3 times a day, by ensuring they drink plenty of water and by giving them vitamins. You should also make it a point to give them nutritious snacks so that they’d have a steady source of energy.
However, because parenting does not come with a manual, you may often find yourself wondering if you’re feeding your kids the right snacks or if you’re giving it to them properly. If this sounds like you, then fret no more mums! theAsianparent has recently come out with a survey on mums and their little one’s snacking habits. The survey is sure to give you plenty of insights as to when and why mums gives snacks and what mums look for when choosing snacks for kids.

When should you give your kids snacks?
The survey goes on to share that mums also give snacks when:
- their kids wake up from a nap,
- they’re out with family and friends,
- mum is running errands or is shopping and
- when mum and dad are eating their meals.
When out and about, 53% of mums give their kids a snack to keep them calm and occupied. Other occasions where mums provide nutritious snack for their kid to munch on, includes after nap time for an energy boost and also during dinner time. This is because while kids often eat earlier than mum and dad, some mums still have them sit at the table with a light snack so that everyone can enjoy a family meal together.
Why should you give your kids snacks?
According to the survey, there are 2 main reasons as to why mums give their kids snacks: (1) for kids ages zero to 24 months, snacks help develop their fine motor skills and encourage self-feeding. On the other hand, (2) for kids ages 23 to 36 months, it provides them with an energy boost between meals.
What do mums look for when choosing a snack?

According to the survey, when looking for a snack, mums want something that is:
- made with real ingredients,
- from a good and trustable brand,
- easy to chew and swallow,
- easy to digest and improves intestinal quality,
- designed to encourage self-feeding and that
- has a variety of flavours.
All of the mentioned are characteristics that you should definitely be on the look out for when at the supermarket. You could go through one aisle after another, looking for an assortment of fruits, whole-grains and other food products that meet your snack requirements. But, the truth of the matter is, if you want one snack that is all of the above, then head on over to where the GERBER products are.
GERBER has a wide array of nutritious snacks for kids, catered to suit different age groups, there’s bound to be a perfect GERBER product for different snacking occasions . And because GERBER has snacks for kids that cater to different ages, you’ll see that as your kids grow, GERBER grows with them.

A couple of GERBER products you ought to let your children try are the “Puffs” and “Grabbers.” Perfect for little ones 8 months and onwards, “Puffs” give children a sense of independence because it was designed to encourage self-feeding. It’s also made with whole-grains, is fortified with 8 vitamins and minerals and melts easily in the mouth. On the other hand, you may also opt to let you children try “Grabbers” – nutritious fruits that can be eaten on-the-go.
GERBER snacks are perfect for children any time of the day, whether eaten at home or when out. So, what are you waiting for? Head on down to any leading supermarket and purchase GERBER snacks for your children today.