Everyone knows that spoiling your children is not a good thing, but few know why exactly. The reason for it is that when they’re little, only very little of the harmful effects are seen and perceived.
In a Livestrong article, Brenda Scottsdale explores the scary reality of what spoiling does to your children.

“Children who are spoiled can become overly dependent on their parents, which can cause them to have trouble making themselves happy as adults,” said Brenda.
In a study cited by Connie Dawson and David J. Bredehoft, it revealed that young adults who had been spoiled had a higher tendency to believe being alone makes a person unhappy, and that the source of their happiness is other people, rather than themselves.

Giving children what they want when they want it deprives them of learning the concept of responsibility and responsible behavior. These children are also characterized by being unmotivated, lazy, and angry. As a result, they grow up lacking emotional maturity and having poor problem-solving skills as adults.
Disrespect and defiance

Spoiled children are given to whining, begging, and manipulating people to get their way.
“Often, spoiled children are so overindulged they do not get to express themselves in ways other than through their negative behaviors,” said Breda. “Rebellion can become a natural response in these children, who are overindulged and overprotected.”
Poor relationship skills

In a journal called Pediatrics, Bruce J. McIntosh, M.D. said that spoiled children can be insensitive to the needs of others. Not only that, they are also are prone to temper tantrums and have trouble deferring gratification.
Having with these characteristics, they will grow up as loners later on in life because other people would not want them to be around them. It will deprive them of lasting and meaningful friendships and connections to other people.
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