Some parents do not understand how terrifying first day of preschool can be for their children. To minimize the shock that your child may experience when he or she goes to school for the first time, you have to make sure that you prepare your child and yourself for that big day.

How to prepare your child for the first day of preschool
Weeks before class starts, drive by the school with your child so that he or she will be familiar with the school. Tour the school and explain what each room or area is for. Explain to your child that he or she will go to school soon and talk about the things that children do in school. If your child is going to attend the morning session, make sure that you start making your son or daughter sleep early.
Role-play at home
To help your child socialize with other kids easily, do some role-playing at home. Describe some scenarios and teach your child what to do in each. Tell your child what a good friend should be like and help him or her practice being one.
Have your child meet with school-age kids in your neighbourhood and ask them to tell your child about school. Make sure that they only say nice things about school.
Build independence
At this stage, your child is still learning some of the most basic skills needed for him or her to survive in school. Have your child practice eating independently. Teach him or her how to open lunchboxes and water bottles, and how to use eating utensils.
Going to the bathroom can make your child anxious. Your child should also know that it’s okay to ask the teacher permission to go to the bathroom even if it’s not the schedule for a bathroom break.
Focus on the positive
This may be hard for you as it is for your child but you have to learn to let go. When your child feels your confidence and positive attitude towards the school and the people in it, then he or she will feel that way too. If you are anxious, your child will be able to feel it.
Arrive early
Make sure that your child wakes up early so you can go to school before class starts. A child who comes in late will feel disoriented because everyone else has already settled in.
Just a quick goodbye
Parents, especially mothers, have to be firm and encouraging when it comes to saying goodbye. Don’t overstay as your presence can be distracting to your child. Follow the teacher’s cue and say good bye right away. If your child forces you to stay, tell him or her that playschool is only for little kids. Promise your child that you will be back later then give him or her a quick hug. After this, leave the room right away.
Trust your child’s teacher
Stop worrying about your child and just entrust him or her to the teacher. It is important that parents show their children that they are letting go and giving the control over to the teacher. This helps children to have more confidence in their teachers.
Pick up on time
Make sure that you are at the gate before dismissal time so your child will see you as soon as he or she is dismissed. This will help your child be more confident and less anxious the following day because he or she is sure that you will always be there at the end of each school day.
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