6 Singapore Celeb Mums Who Braved Through Difficult Pregnancies

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Kudos to these celeb mummies! How scary it must have felt.

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Some mummies have dream pregnancies. Some others are not so lucky. Severe morning sickness, bleeding, migraine, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, premature labour, etc are some of the pregnancy complications mummies need to watch out for.

Here are 6 Singapore celebrity mums who braved through difficult pregnancies.

1. Jamie Yeo

6 Singapore Celeb Mums Who Braved Through Difficult Pregnancies

For Singapore TV host, actress, radio DJ and model, Jamie Yeo, both her pregnancies weren’t easy.

Her daughter, Alysia was born 2.5 months early , weighing only 1.2 kg and measuring 36 cm. 

Jamie had a late second pregnancy at 40, and there were complications in the later half. Her water bag started leaking at 30 weeks, and she was put on bed rest in hospital for a month. She gave birth to a baby boy, Luke, “A little early at 35 weeks, but healthy and at a respectable 2.35 kg.”


Premature birth

Premature birth, also known as preterm birth, is the birth of a baby before 37 weeks of pregnancy. It is a serious complication that can affect the baby’s health and development. Some of the risks of premature birth include respiratory problems, infections, gut problems, and a prolonged intensive care stay.


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Late pregnancy complications

Late pregnancy complications can include a variety of issues, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Preeclampsia is a serious condition that is characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. PROM is the breaking of the amniotic sac before labor begins.


2. Cheryl Wee

Actress-entrepreneur Cheryl Wee gave birth to a baby boy on April 26, 2018. Again, she had her fair share of troubles. 

As she puts it, “I cannot keep track of the number of times I’ve vomited during this pregnancy! I have also had my fair share of flu, food poisoning and gastric flu and it is so draining!”

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Cheryl also had high fever during labour, “My temperature was 38.8 degrees then and they were afraid that if I waited any longer, the chances of infection would increase.”

She later contracted a postpartum urinary tract infection (UTI), and had to be put on antibiotics.


Severe morning sickness

Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy that affects up to 80% of women. It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, and sometimes dizziness. While morning sickness is usually harmless, it can be severe enough to cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.


Gastric flu

Gastric flu, also known as stomach flu, is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Symptoms of gastric flu can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and muscle aches. Gastric flu is usually harmless, but it can be dehydrating for pregnant women.

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High fever during labor

A high fever during labor can be a sign of infection. This is a serious complication that can increase the risk of fetal distress and other problems.


Postpartum urinary tract infection (UTI)

A UTI is an infection of the urinary tract. It is a common problem for women, especially after pregnancy. Symptoms of a UTI can include burning during urination, frequent urination, and cloudy or bloody urine.


3. Melody Chen

For ONE FM 91.3 Radio DJ, actress and host Melody Chen and her actor hubby Randall Tan, the road to pregnancy was tough. The couple had been trying for a baby for 9 long years, and had given up hope after a miscarriage and a failed in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) attempt.

They finally conceived in 2017, and Melody had revealed that her pregnancy hadn’t been easy.

“It’s truly been a challenging journey so far with this 24/7 bedrest but Randall and I are keeping the faith that it’ll work out for the best.”

She gave birth to twin babies, a boy and a girl, through emergency C-section. The babies were born prematurely, several weeks in advance. 



A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. It is a common complication of pregnancy, affecting about 10% of pregnancies.

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Failed in-vitro fertilization (IVF) attempt

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment that involves combining sperm and eggs in a laboratory. The resulting embryo is then transferred to the woman’s uterus. IVF is a success rate of about 30%.


Premature twin birth

Premature birth is a serious complication that can affect the health and development of twins. The risks of premature birth are even greater for twins than for singletons.


4. Joanne Peh

Joanne Peh gave birth to her Baby No. 2 on April 21, 2017 after a long and arduous 16 hours of labour. Things weren’t as smooth as her first pregnancy. 

“My first pregnancy was quite smooth. This time, I feel nauseous at night and suffer a loss of appetite”, Joanne had revealed.


Nausea and Loss of appetite

Nausea is a common symptom of early pregnancy. It is caused by changes in hormone levels. Loss of appetite is another common symptom of early pregnancy. It is also caused by changes in hormone levels.


Arduous 16-hour labor

A long and difficult labor can be physically and emotionally exhausting for both the mother and the baby. It can also increase the risk of complications, such as postpartum hemorrhage and infection.


5. Zoe Tay

While pregnant with her third son, Nathan, in 2010, actress Zoe Tay experienced some bleeding due to a blood clot. She ended up delivering the baby prematurely through C-section.

It was the first C-section for Zoe, who also has two other sons Brayden and Ashton with her husband, Philip Chionh.


Premature birth and C-section due to blood clot

Premature birth is a serious complication that can affect the health and development of the baby. The risks of premature birth are even greater for babies born with blood clots.

A blood clot during pregnancy can be a serious complication. It can increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature birth. A C-section may be necessary if the blood clot is blocking the flow of blood to the baby.


6. Amber Young (Mummy of Momo Twins Leia and Lauren)

12 weeks into her pregnancy, Amber Young found out that she was expecting Momo twins. MoMo twins are identical twins that develop in a single, shared placenta and amniotic sac in the mother’s womb.

“They share the placenta but have two separate umbilical cords. It was an extremely rare and high-risk pregnancy”, says Amber.

“The risk of cord entanglement increases as the pregnancy progresses. There was also a risk of TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome).”

When she was in her last trimester, Amber couldn’t even get out of bed. 

Leia and Lauren were finally delivered at 32 weeks, weighing 1.5 kg and 1.6 kg respectively. Today, these children are Instagram superstars with 329,000 followers!


Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare, serious complication of monochorionic twin pregnancies, in which identical twins share a single placenta and amniotic sac. In TTTS, there is an unequal sharing of blood between the twins, resulting in one twin (the donor twin) giving away more blood than it receives in return, while the other twin (the recipient twin) receives too much blood.


These stories of Singapore celebrity mums highlight the diverse challenges that women can face during pregnancy. While each experience is unique, these courageous women have demonstrated strength, resilience, and unwavering determination in navigating the complexities of their pregnancies. Their openness in sharing their experiences serves as a source of inspiration and support for other women facing similar challenges.


Preeclampsia: How to Protect You and Your Baby From this Fatal Condition

What You Should Know About Premature Rupture of Membranes

C-Section Infection: What You Need To Know

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