ONE FM 91.3 Radio DJ, actress and host Melody Chen and her actor hubby Randall Tan have revealed on Instagram that they are now officially a family of four.
Yes, Melody Chen has given birth to twins!
And the little ones apparently decided to come out much earlier than expected and shock their parents!
Melody Chen reveals their names on Facebook, “Reuben and Maegan decided to pop out to see the world several weeks in advance and it was truly a dramatic and harrowing experience trying to save them.”
These two bundles of joy decided to give daddy a heart attack when they decided that enough is enough and come out to meet everyone. So now, instead of just one to love, I now have three! Mel and I cannot wait to bring them home soon! #preemies #preemieparents #godisgreat #miracleoflife #mezzaran #prematurityawarenessmonth #reubenmichaeltan #maeganrileytan #mezzarantwins
A post shared by randalltan (@randalltan) on Nov 4, 2017 at 8:12am PDT
Mummy and daddy were extremely worried about their preemie babies and Randall writes, “These two bundles of joy decided to give daddy a heart attack when they decided that enough is enough and come out to meet everyone.”
Thankfully, all seems to be well now and the little ones are coping well and gaining weight and in Melody’s words, “However, all thanks to SGH’s neonatal medical help, our two little miracles are now stable and slowly packing on the grams. Yay!”
She also reveals that it was an emergency C-section, “It truly was a harrowing start to our parenthood journey from the emergency c sect to the constant worry about their survival, but we are extremely thankful for all the love and prayers for the twinsies and we are definitely keeping the faith that all will be well.”
My heart was bursting with joy to finally hold them close in my arms. Randall and I can’t wait for them to come home soon! ☺️ Anyways, my birthday month of November also happens to be Prematurity Awareness Month, so here’s a little love going out to all the preemies and preemie parents coping in their own individual parenthood journeys and not forgetting, the dedicated medical staff of every NICU ward. You are all truly God’s angels. ❤️ #preemies #preemieparents #godisgreat #miracleoflife #mezzaran #birthdayblessings #prematurityawarenessmonth #reubenmichaeltan #maeganrileytan
A post shared by Melody Chen (@melodychen_) on Nov 2, 2017 at 10:21pm PDT
The twins haven’t come home yet and mummy and daddy are eagerly waiting for that day, “Randall and I can’t wait for them to come home soon!”
Melody also turned 40 recently, “Anyways, my birthday month of November also happens to be Prematurity Awareness Month, so here’s a little love going out to all the preemies and preemie parents coping in their own individual parenthood journeys and not forgetting, the dedicated medical staff of every NICU ward.”
“You are all truly God’s angels.”
We had earlier reported that Melody and Randall Tan had been trying for a baby for 9 long years, and had given up hope after a miscarriage and a failed in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) attempt.
She had revealed that her pregnancy was challenging, “It’s truly been a challenging journey so far with this 24/7 bed rest but Randall and I are keeping the faith that it’ll work out for the best.”
A post shared by Melody Chen (@melodychen_) on Sep 10, 2017 at 1:30am PDT
“Being pregnant with our twins has been one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever experienced in my life. Challenging as it is, I will always be grateful for this miracle.”
Here’s wishing this family loads of love, good health and happiness!
Singaporean Radio DJ Reveals That She Is Expecting Twins!