Maternal health plays a big role in childbirth. In fact, proper monitoring at each stage is required to check for signs of any complications. Preeclampsia is one such pregnancy complication that must be diagnosed early on.
Characterised by high blood pressure and potential damage to the liver and the kidneys, it can lead to weight gain, body ache, severe headache, dizziness and eventually lead to fetal growth restriction.
All of this was experienced by a first-time mum who tragically died during emergency surgery after delivering twins.
One Of The Recent Preeclampsia Death Stories Comes From The US
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Sara Sewald, 26, was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia just a few weeks before her due date. Then, hours after giving birth on May 29, 2019, doctors conducted an emergency surgery on to fix “a bit of a bleeding.”
Doctors initially informed her family that it was a simple procedure, but her condition began to deteriorate. Her husband, Dustin Sisneros shared that he didn’t know what was happening and within hours he was informed that Sewald couldn’t make it.
Unfortunately, she was one of the scores of women who die due to pregnancy complications in the US.
Sisneros told KKTV, “The doctor has mentioned that she had a little bleeding and they were going to do what they could to stop it.”
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The doctors also told him to not worry and assured him that things were under control, as a result, Sisneros was not too nervous.
Sewald was taken inside the ICU and she was put on oxygen and was given blood. It was a difficult moment for him as he had to stay composed and keep his energy in caring for his twins, Charlotte and Ryan.
Shocking Preeclampsia Statistics
The American College of Gynecology and Obstetricians has pointed to preeclampsia as one of the most important issues to be tackled as efforts go to lower the rate of maternal mortality.
They add that preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality, accounting for 50,000 to 60,000 deaths per year, worldwide.
Preeclampsia Foundation also states that this condition affects approximately five to eight percent of pregnancies
What Is Preeclampsia?
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According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), preeclampsia is a condition where there is a sudden increase in blood pressure in pregnant women after the 20th week of pregnancy. It can be a life-threatening disease for both the mother and the unborn baby.
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) states that preeclampsia usually occurs in the first pregnancy.
However, those who have been diagnosed with preeclampsia are seven times more likely to develop it in subsequent pregnancies.
Some other risk factors are obesity, chronic high blood pressure, and age (women who are over 40 are usually at higher risk).
According to the US Preventive Services Task Force, doctors usually recommend that women who have risk factors take low-dose aspirin starting 12 weeks of pregnancy to lower the risk of developing preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia Symptoms And Its Dangers
The first big sign of preeclampsia is high blood pressure (BP). In addition to the shooting BP, another sign is too much protein in the urine.
NICHD also points that swelling in the face, hands, feet, having headaches and blurred vision are also some signs of preeclampsia.
Kelley Saunders, MD says, “Women with preeclampsia have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, kidney disease, stroke, and high BP.”
Preeclampsia can also lead to a condition called eclampsia, a severe condition where a woman with preeclampsia has seizures. It can put her and her baby’s life at risk.
Some of the major risks of eclampsia are preterm birth, impaired fetal growth due to less oxygen and other nutrients.
Diagnosis Of Preeclampsia
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When a woman is 37 weeks pregnant and has preeclampsia, doctors will want to deliver the baby right away.
However, preeclampsia doesn’t go away automatically and in some cases, the symptoms might still continue even after delivery. However, most resolve within six weeks of delivery.
When the woman is less than 37 weeks pregnant, doctors usually monitor her condition through various tests like blood and urine samples. The baby’s health is also monitored using heart rate monitoring and ultrasounds.
If you are diagnosed with mild preeclampsia, you may be recommended to make a few lifestyle changes including losing weight, exercising regularly, and keeping your blood sugar in control.
Researchers Have Discovered The Primary Cause Of Preeclampsia
Stillbirth, Miscarriages, GDM, Preeclampsia – theAsianparent Professional Guide