Recipe by Lily Chua

1 pc boneless chicken leg with skin – from Fairprice supermarket
1 tomato - sliced
2 pcs of garlic - chopped
3 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons of Kikkoman Soy Sauce
Sprinkle of pepper
Preparation instructions
1. Marinate the chicken leg with seasoning for about 2 hours inside the fridge.
2. Cover a small baking tray with aluminum foil.
3. Set oven temperature to 190°C.
4. Bake the chicken meat skin side up for about 12 min – 15 mins.
5. Turn over the meat and bake for another 10 minutes.
6. Remove from oven and place on serving plate. Pour the remaining sauce from tray over the chicken.
7. Serve the chicken on a plate with sliced tomato and some stir fried mushrooms . Or serve with some mashed potato.
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