Went for my appointment with my Gynae on 31 December to check if our son is ready to greet the world. I have no sign of cramps or contraction but surprisingly I was 0.5cm dilated.
Dr Wong was telling me the water level is low and suggest to induce due to medical reason, Dr Wong was pretty concerned and wanted to make sure that baby is safe as I had miscarriage twice before. Therefore, we decided to take her advice and to induce.
Dr Wong inserted 1 induce pill to my vaginal and ask me to return to her Clinic 3 hours later to insert for a 2nd one. 30 minutes after the pill was insert, I can feel the pain and I’m starting to walk like a old women. My EDD – 2nd January..
As hubby have to submit some paperwork, he dropped me at TampinesOne while he went back to the office to submit the required paperwork. Never thought the contraction would come so fast… The contraction pain is increasing every now and then and I just feel like poo-ing.
Went back to Dr Wong’s clinic and she told me there’s no need to insert the 2nd pill and I’m already 2cm dilated! She told us to go home to pack our bag and to check in to the hospital after 12am. I stood up and gush of water run down my leg, my water bag had broke! Dr Wong asked me to check in to the hospital immediately. It was about 2:30pm then.
Read the next page to find out what happened when they reached the hospital in anticipation to meet their new year baby.
Checked in to Mount Alvernia and I was put on CGT to monitor baby’s heartbeat and contraction, I was about 6cm dialted at 6:30pm and I finally surrender to opt for epidural as the nurses told me baby will come at about 10-11pm and I seriously need some sleep, I’m so tired and in pain. Epidural done, I can smile and joke with my hubby now 🙂
Every now and then Hubby and I “speak” to Lucius requesting him to come on the 1st Jan 2011 instead of 31 December and guess what, he’s very co-operative. 10:00pm, I have no urge to push… 11:48pm… I can feel the contraction pain and have the urge to push and my Gynae came just in time. Getting ready to push and 1 of the nurse suggest to switch on the T.V to see if we can count down to get a new year baby.
After 12 minutes of pushing, our son, Lucius came exactly at 12:00am with fireworks and cheers on Channel 5. Our little bundle of joy weighing 3.030kg has finally arrived and its a New Year Baby 🙂