A baby bump is perhaps the sweetest part of your pregnancy. Yes, it can be challenging to be so big sometimes, but knowing that your baby is safe and sound in the comfort of your womb makes it all worthwhile. The only peculiar thing is the size, especially during baby #2.
And while they appear in all shapes and sizes, all second-time expecting mums would agree: second pregnancy tummy grows faster!
But why does this happen? Does it have any health implications to your growing baby? Let’s find out.
Second Pregnancy Tummy Grows Faster, But Why?
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There are many reasons that can be attributed to an increased belly size during the second pregnancy. From changes in abdominal muscles, to hormones, to body’s reactions to pains, and position of the uterus. Let us deep dive into each.
Changes in the size of the abdominal muscle
Even if you were able to fit in your pre-pregnancy clothes, post your first pregnancy, the fact is that your uterus has yet to return to its previous size. In most second pregnancies, the tummy tends to appear much sooner due to the changes in the abdominal muscles’ size and loosening of the uterus.
Some women also suffer from diastasis recti. This is an abnormal separation of the rectus muscles (‘abdominal separation’), resulting from a widening and stretching of those fibres that hold the rectus muscles together. The condition also causes the tummy to flare up and not go back into its original place.
Increased fat storage in the tummy
You may not like it, but fat accumulation is simply an evolutionary process. It ensures that your baby has adequate nutrients to develop and grow in your belly.
Since your body has done it previously, it can do it again. Even if you haven’t lost weight since your first birth, this may happen to you leading you to feel that second pregnancy tummy grows faster.
Different pregnancy symptoms
Pregnancies are always different from everybody, but they are also not the same for the same woman. Yes, you read that right! In fact, you may experience different symptoms this time around that you did the first time. For instance, you may feel less or more lethargic and/or nauseated.
If you are pregnancy after two to three years of your first baby, chances are you are running after him/her while carrying your second one. With most of your time spent caring for your first born, you may have less time to give to yourself, leading to a less healthy lifestyle and faster fat accumulation and tummy growth.
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You experience more pain and aches
The body starts relaxing its joints very soon thanks to relaxin hormone. But this can sometimes lead to increased body aches during the second pregnancy. Due to the previous stretching, which may cause backaches, loose hips, and circular ligament pain, the baby can also lie lower in the tummy.
Sleeping and leaning over may get painful, too, when your belly gets bigger. You can try sleeping on a maternity pillow and prenatal yoga to ease aches and calm the nerves.
Hormonal effect can show an early bump
Abdominal bloating is another possible cause for an early bump. You would experience a surge in hormones that can lead to fluid retention in your body. So the baby bumps that appears early may in fact, be a bloated tummy.
It would be best to keep yourself well hydrated; drink plenty of water, fruit juice, and coconut water. Also, include more fibre in your diet so your bowel movements are frequent and your tummy is clean. All of these together can help minimise bloating.
The location of your uterus also determines how easily you appear to show up. If your uterus is tilting towards your back, it may take longer for the tummy to show up during the initial months of your pregnancy. And if the uterus leans towards the front, the tummy will start showing much sooner.
However, sometimes if you get an inaccurate due date, you will appear to show up early. Consult with your doctor if you’re worried that you’re having too much of a bump too soon. Your due date may be slightly more extended than you think.
According to Dr. Tan Eng Loy, Singapore General Hospital, a pregnant woman should always stay up-to-date with screening tests and ultrasound scans. This ensure that you have all the information you need about any existing medical issues, such as gestational diabetes or heart conditions.
Image source: iStock
Unless there is a medical condition, a faster growing belly shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, as they say a mother’s intuition is stronger than anything in the world, if you feel something’s up, consult with your doctor immediately.
In the meantime, you may want to spend quality time with your first born, preparing him/her for the birth of their sister or brother. There’s a lot to discuss and prepare for, so stay happy and enjoy your pregnancy.
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