Fake it till you make it; that’s what they say if you’re in it to win it. Beauty pageant mums can get pretty obsessive and over the top when it comes to making sure that their kid will steal the limelight – at all costs.
In fact, they will do whatever it takes to climb to the top – even if it means using fake boobs, bum boosters, botox and spray on tans.
Fake boobs & bum
Pumping up your 4-year-old’s chest with padding just so she can look like a miniature version of Dolly Parton is an outrage. Don’t you think? But mummy, Lindsay Jackson, justified dressing her little girl up in a body-hugging pink Lycra catsuit—complete with C-cup boobs and a fake bum booster.

In response to the shocked reactions, the mother answered: “To some people, it’s over the top, to us it’s just what happens. It’s just normal. When she wears the fake boobs and the fake butt, it’s just like an extra bonus.”
If that is not bad enough, she added: “It’s really funny when she comes out on stage and everyone thinks it’s hysterical. Because they all of a sudden realise that not only is she Dolly, she has the enhancements just like Dolly has.”
What’s worse is that the little girl has bought into the ‘unnatural’ beauty ideal that mummy has instilled in her. Little Maddy said on Toddlers and Tiaras: “I want to show the judges how beautiful I am. I love dressing up as Dolly.”
Err…you don’t have to dress up as someone else to be beautiful baby. What happened to – you are beautiful just the way you are?
Fake spray tan
Funny how as Asians, we want to preserve that “fair” quality and slather on gobs of sunblock while Westerners worship tanned skin. Jools Willis, 37, a mother of four reportedly sprays her 4-year-old girl with a fake tan. She said: “Beauty treatments help boost a child’s confidence.”

Little Tate shares: “I like having a spray tan because it makes me look good. I like having the same as Mummy.”
Many of us are horrified that some parents are sending such skewed messages of what beauty and confidence is all about. Claude Knights, the director of charity Kidscape expressed: “Spray tanning sexualises youngsters. A four-year-old is much too young to be getting beauty treatments. Children should not be encouraged to grow up too soon.”
She also added: “We should let children be children. True confidence and self-esteem come from within. I’m sure mothers who do this mean the very best for their children. But they are inadvertently playing into the hands of paedophiles, who treat children as sexualised beings.”
Botox boost
Here’s yet another tale on how far a mom will go to make her child stand out from the competition. 34-year-old Kerry, a beautician, makes her 8-year-old girl Britney go through a series of botox injections. Every three months, Britney gets injected on her forehead, lips and around her eyes.

This beauty pageant obsessed mom justifies herself by saying: “What I am doing for Britney now will help her become a star. I know one day she will be a model, actress or singer, and having these treatments now will ensure she stays looking younger and baby-faced for longer.”
As if reading our minds, she added: “I’m sure people reading this will think I am being irresponsible, but I ensure that I test the Botox and fillers I buy online on myself first. All I want is for Britney to have the best start in life, so it is easier for her to become a superstar.”
There is more — the most unacceptable statement from her was: “More mothers should do it for their daughters. I’m proud Britney is getting to have these beauty treatments at such a young age. I wish that I’d had the same advantages when I was younger. She is a lucky little girl and is going to be famous because of the benefits I am giving her so early.”
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Also read: Would you let your teen have plastic surgery