A gassy baby is a miserable baby and a miserable baby makes for a miserable mommy. The misery comes not from the fact that your baby is fussy, but from the fact that you often feel helpless to alleviate their discomfort. Here’s how to help a gassy newborn baby relieve some pent up gas!
You might be surprised that there are actually many things you can do to bring your little one some relief. So the next time your baby experiences an episode of gassiness, try one of the following ways on how to help a gassy newborn relieve gas.
But once you detect anything unusual with your baby or if they’re showing signs of pain, please do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
How To Help A Gassy Newborn Baby
With various methods, you might find a successful way on how to help a gassy newborn baby. Do remember that every child is different so you shouldn’t be disheartened if results are not immediately successful.
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Nursing babies
Helping to relieve gas in a newborn doesn’t only involve them but their mummy as well.
If you are nursing your baby, gassiness is usually the result of something you ate. It is important for you to watch your diet; avoiding spicy, gaseous foods. You may have to do without some of your favourites for a while, but ask yourself…is it really worth it? No.
Soy formula needed
If your baby is on formula and experiencing frequent bouts of gas, you may want to consider switching to soy-based formulas rather than milk-based. Being lactose-intolerant is no fun for anyone especially a baby.
So switching to soy may be one of the ways on how to help a gassy newborn.
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Burp your baby
Make sure you burp your baby after feeding them. Some babies burp easier than others but don’t give up. Instead, try different methods and positions on how to help a gassy newborn:
- The traditional over-the-shoulder method with patting them on the back
- The traditional over-the-shoulder method rubbing their backs in a circular motion from the base of the spine to the neck. This works the air up and out
- Sit your baby on your lap, support their neck by cupping their chin in one hand and patting or rubbing their back with the other hand
- Lay your baby across your lap and pat or rub their back
If your baby displays signs of being gassy, try burping them again to relieve gas in your newborn.
Do the bicycle
Working your baby’s legs in a bicycle motion is also one of the effective methods on how to help a gassy newborn. The ‘pumping’ motion of the legs works the gas out so keep those tiny limbs moving!
Image source: iStock
Having your little relax and calm is also among the great ways on how to help a gassy newborn baby.
Give your baby a warm bath using baby wash with lavender and chamomile. The warmth of the water and the naturally calming properties of the lavender and chamomile relaxes the muscles and helps release the gas.
Massaging your baby’s stomach with gentle circular motions can help alleviate the pain and is one of the effective ways on how to help a newborn baby.
OTC treatments
Simethicone drops or gripe water given orally have been a mom’s go-to for soothing a baby’s gassy tummy for decades regarding how to help a gassy newborn. Be sure to follow proper dosages.
TLC or “tender loving care” can also help greatly for your gassy baby to release some gas cooped up inside.
A baby with gas should not be left to cry. A crying baby sucks in more air-creating more discomfort…and more crying. Instead, comfort your baby and work to find which method will work to relieve the gas and pain your newborn baby feels that goes with it.
These are the many ways on how to help a gassy newborn baby relieve some gas for absolute comfort. We hope this information was helpful and that it has given absolute comfort for both you and, of course, your baby.
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