As the end of the break draws near, getting your kids back into the routine of going to school can be a challenging task. After a long break, it can be hard for kids to adjust to waking up early, attending classes, and completing assignments. Below are five tips to help you prepare your child for going back to school.
1. Establish a routine:
Creating a stable routine is crucial for your child’s adjustment to school life. Consistency in meal times, daily activities, and bedtime helps regulate their internal clock and promotes a sense of security. When the school year begins, maintaining this routine becomes a solid foundation, helping your child transition smoothly from the more relaxed break schedule to the structured school routine.
2. Prepare for school ahead of time:
Streamlining the morning routine can significantly reduce stress for both you and your child. Preparing for the school day the night before involves gathering all necessary materials, ensuring completed assignments are in the backpack, and selecting an outfit. By doing this, you eliminate last-minute scrambles, allowing your child to start the day with a calm and organized mindset.

3. Communicate with your child’s teacher:
Establishing a positive and open line of communication with your child’s teacher is essential. Regularly check in to inquire about any changes in the class schedule or curriculum. Understanding what your child needs to catch up on and discussing their overall progress fosters a collaborative approach between home and school, ensuring a supportive learning environment for your child.
4. Regular eye check-ups:
Having the best-possible vision to facilitate the learning and development of your child is of utmost importance.
Singapore has one of the highest rates of myopia in the world. By Primary 6 (age 12), 65% of Singaporean children are myopic, and 80%–90% of Singaporean adults are myopic.
Regular eye checkups are important, as your child’s vision will not only affect their learning but also their quality of life. It is recommended that parents bring their child in for an eye exam every 6 months.
Myopia is incurable, so it is important to manage it once detected. Protect your child’s vision for the future with Essilor® Stellest® Lenses, which can slow down myopia progression by 67% on average* with H.A.L.T.** Technology. It is a non-invasive, safe and simple solution to manage your child’s myopia progression.
Essilor® Stellest® Lenses offer children comfort and ease, providing sharp vision like to single vision lenses, with the ability to achieve full adaptation within a week.
Essilor® Stellest® Lenses are a breakthrough innovation to control myopia in children.
*Compared to single vision lenses, when worn 12 hours a day. Two-year prospective, controlled, randomized, double-masked clinical trial results on 54 myopic children wearing Essilor® Stellest® lenses compared to 50 myopic children wearing single vision lenses. Efficacy results based on 32 children who declared wearing Stellest® lenses at least 12 hours per day every day. Bao J. et al. (2021). Myopia control with spectacle lenses with aspherical lenslets: a 2-year randomized clinical trial. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.; 62(8):2888.
** Highly Aspherical Lenslet Target

5. Talk about expectations
Engaging in a conversation with your child about school expectations sets the tone for a successful academic year. This involves discussing their personal goals, reminding them of important school rules, and encouraging them to communicate openly with teachers. By fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability, you empower your child to navigate challenges confidently and seek guidance when needed.
Incorporating these detailed strategies into your back-to-school preparation ensures a comprehensive and thoughtful approach, promoting a positive and successful return to the classroom for your child.