Every mum’s journey is different. You may have just weaned your baby at one year or two years. Or you may have been feeding them with formula from the start. But at some point, you will be faced with the question, “Which is better? Formula milk or fresh milk?” Not knowing how to feed your little one best can be a confusing matter.
After all, milk is the only source of nutrition for babies for the first six months after birth. And breast milk is considered rich in overall nutrition that helps the baby grow and nurture. When some women face lactation issue, formula milk is the preferred alternative.
But when your baby turns a year old, the debate is – fresh milk vs formula for toddlers. To make matters more confusing, many brands in the market can make it overwhelmingly hard to settle on the best way to feed your little one.
Don’t worry mums, we’re here to guide you so that you can make the best choice for your little one.
Formula Milk vs Fresh Milk For Toddlers?
There are many things to consider when choosing between fresh milk and formula milk. | Image source: Shutterstock
Breastmilk is the hands-down champion of all milk. Bt when it comes to the choice between formula milk and fresh milk, the answer might surprise you.
You’ve probably heard that after one year, you can choose fresh milk over formula milk. But if your child is not eating a wide variety of foods, fresh milk may not be a better alternative (in terms of nutrients).
As a parent, the nutritional value is first and foremost in your mind. But your budget is also important. Milk can take a large chunk of your expenses in this stage of your child’s life. Let’s take a look at these two factors…
Which Is More Affordable?
Formula milk can be more affordable than fresh milk
Did you know that Nestlé Lactogrow 3 (for one-year-olds and above) is 20 per cent more affordable than the average price of fresh milk in Singapore? We’ve collated the prices of three popular fresh milk brands in Singapore and compared them to Nestlé Lactogrow 3 below.
Cost per serving
Cost per month
Lactogrow 3
$ 0.67
$ 60.54
Fresh Milk A
$ 0.79
$ 71.44
Fresh Milk B
$ 0.83
$ 74.25
Fresh Milk C
$ 0.78
$ 69.75
*Calculation is based on 3 servings of milk per day. Costs of fresh milk are calculated based on the average of key fresh milk brands in Singapore. Data accurate as of July 2018.
When you break it down, the overall price of Nestlé Lactogrow 3 Formula Milk per serving is, on average, less than one serving of fresh milk.
Fresh Milk vs Formula For Toddlers: Which Is More Nutritious?
Generally, formula milk contains more nutrients for the growing toddler compared to fresh milk. After doing some thorough research with other fresh milk brands in Singapore, we’ve collected the data obtained into the table below:
Per Serving
Nestlé Lactogrow 3
A Fresh Milk
B Fresh Milk
C Fresh Milk
In addition, Nestlé Lactogrow 3 also has a lot of other nutritional goodies, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin C!
According to the American Association of Paediatrics, babies do not have a mature gut, and so, aren’t able to digest cow’s milk fully. But growing up milk is easier to digest. It usually contains just enough protein – not too little, not too much. As can be seen from the table above, growing up milk has a lower amount of proteins and fats which is more suitable for the baby’s needs when compared to fresh milk.
Furthermore, formula milk is also a great source of carbohydrates and energy, as it contains more carbohydrates than other brands of fresh milk and comparable amounts of energy. Exactly what a healthy baby needs to grow up!
Nestlé Lactogrow 3 Growing up milk formula has the nutrients your child needs!| Image source: Shutterstock
Nestlé Lactogrow 3 Growing up milk formula is a rich source of:
- Vitamin C, which you might know keeps the flu and colds at bay. For growing babies, vitamin C is needed to help the normal functioning of the immune system. It also helps to support normal collagen formation so that your baby’s bones can work properly. Fresh milk contains only small amounts of vitamin C – so small that fresh milk is not considered to be a major source of vitamin C.
- Calcium, which helps to build strong bones and teeth.
Formula milk is also a good source of:
- Vitamin A, which is absolutely needed for eye function and helps the immune system function normally.
- Iron, which helps to make haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues. It also helps in developing your child’s cognitive functions. On the other hand, fresh milk doesn’t supply enough iron for babies to develop normally.
- DHA, an important nutrient that helps to aid the growth of your baby’s eyes and brain.
- Zinc, which is needed for cell division, growth and normal immune function.
Which Gives You the Most Bang for Your Buck?
It’s all about value. Smart mums know that value is key in everything from managing your household to giving your kids the best you can afford.
For parents choosing between fresh milk and growing-up milk, the value that Nestlé Lactogrow 3 gives your little one is clear. It’s all there in black and white.
Not only is Nestlé Lactogrow 3 more affordable but it also provides the right balance of nutrients for your little toddler’s development. What’s more, the fortified nutrients can help your child’s development in these crucial growing up years.
Interested to learn more? Head over to this page: Nestlé Lactogrow 3 for more formula milk goodness!
Try out Nestlé Lactogrow 3 now! Each tin is only $37.60 for 1.8kg of this nutritious yet affordable choice of milk.
Nestlé Lactogrow 3 Growing Up Milk is now available in major supermarkets islandwide. It’s also available in Lactogen 2 Follow-on formula for children after six months old. Head over to your nearest supermarket store for some nutritional goodness!
References: healthychildren.org, WebMD, medline.plus
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breast milk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle-feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. Infants should receive age-appropriate foods after six months of age while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use grow up milk or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.
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