If you haven’t found time to properly declutter your home in time for Chinese New Year, fret not. With just a bit of tidying up, you can get your home ready for visitors. And they’ll notice a difference in positive energy in your abode when you’re done. Follow these Feng Shui principles to welcome good energy flow throughout your house.
7 Ways To Apply Feng Shui Principles To Your home
1. Patch up the front door
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The entrance needs to be flawless since that’s how everyone will enter your home. Making sure it looks spotless is conducive to positive energy flow. Give your front door a coat of new paint. If there are any flaky bits, then remove it. And give the hinges a quick squirt of grease like WD40 so the door opens smoothly.
2. Clear the entrance pathway
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It’s not enough to have a beautiful and welcoming entrance if the pathway is cluttered with bits and bobs! Stash loose items in storage space and give away or throw unwanted things. By clearing the corridors, positive energy can flow freely into the house.
3. Throw away trash
The basics of Feng Shui principles is understanding that there is universal energy flowing through everything. So by having trash lingering in your dustbins, it can accumulate negative and stale energy. This is an easy fix, but remember to do it before Chinese New Year!
4. Declutter the living room
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The living room is a resting place. Having the right energy flow through here can be disrupted if you have electronics and random items scattered in an unsightly fashion. Spend some time finding homes for remote controls and miscellaneous things. You’ll notice it’ll feel cosier instantly.
5. Fluff up your pillows
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Good energy also flows through you. If you get terrible sleep, then you’re going to be grouchy and feel like a stormcloud follows you everywhere you go. As simple as fluffing up your pillow is a start to encouraging better quality rest.
6. Hang a mirror up in your bathroom
Applying Feng Shui principles doesn’t just involve tidying up, but can involve some redecorating.
You can hang a mirror in the bathroom. Mirrors are powerful and versatile tools according to Feng Shui principles. They can activate, expand, and redirect energy. Also, it doubles up to help you prepare in the morning!
7. Open your blind and windows
Image source: iStock
Allowing movement of energy is a core part of Feng Shui principles. Letting light into your apartment, as well as fresh air, will do wonders. You’ll feel the atmosphere is clearer and natural sunlight will lift the mood. If there are areas of darkness, a small lamp can invite refreshing energy.
This article was first published on Nonilo and republished on theAsianparent with permission.
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