Thinking of ways to get your little ones interested in the world of science? Don’t sweat it, simply whip out some basic household items and you’re all set for some kids-friendly science projects at home! They also double as fun indoor activities that will definitely receive a positive reaction (pun intended) from your little scientists!
Easy home science projects for kids
1. Magic Milk Experiment
Who doesn’t love an explosion of vibrant colours? The magic milk experiment is the perfect science experiment for kids! Amaze your toddlers with a rainbow of changing colours, and you’ll be sure to get oohs and aahs from them!
Image source: YouTube screengrab
You will need:
- 1 shallow dish
- Fresh milk (enough to cover the base of the shallow dish)
- Food dye in varying colours (red, green, blue, yellow)
- 1 tsp dish soap
- 1 cotton swab
How to:
Pour a cup of fresh milk into a shallow dish till the base is fully covered. Add two to three drops of each food colouring into the centre of the milk. Prepare 1 teaspoon of dish soap and coat your cotton swab with it. Using the soapy cotton swab, gently touch the surface of the fresh milk. Let the magic happen and see all your child’s favourite colours swirl together!
The science behind it:
Milk is made up of fats, proteins and minerals. The dish soap breaks up the surface tension of the milk by dissolving the fat compounds in the milk. If you want to see how the fat content in the milk affects the explosion of colours, you can also try this experiment with skimmed milk or heavy cream.
Pro tip: For better results, use whole milk instead of low-fat milk as whole milk contains a higher percentage of fats.
2. Ice Cream In A Bag Experiment
What’s better than creating your own fun and games and then being able to eat it too? This ice cream experiment is perfect for a hot summer’s day and even rewards your child with a tasty homemade treat. The next time your kids ask for an ice cream treat, get them to make their own ice cream with this fun home science project.
Image source: YouTube screengrab
You will need:
- ½ cup heavy cream
- ½ cup whole milk
- Pinch of salt
- 2 tsp corn syrup
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- Large measuring glass
- 1 small Ziploc bag
- 1 large Ziploc bag
- 3 cups ice
- 1 cup salt
- Ice cream toppings (Chocolate sauce, nuts, etc.)
How to:
Pour heavy cream and whole milk into a measuring cup. Add salt, corn syrup (available on and vanilla extract to the glass and mix till the sugar is dissolved. Put it into a small Ziploc bag and seal the bag firmly. Remember to get any excess air out too! Fill your large Ziploc bag with ice and salt. Put the small Ziploc bag into the large one, seal it and shake the Ziploc bags vigorously. Check the mixture after about 10 minutes. You should find a soft-serve like ice cream. Scoop the ice cream into a bowl and sprinkle it with your favourite toppings.
The science behind it:
Salt lowers the melting point of ice. Hence, ice will absorb heat from the ice cream in the bag, causing the ice cream to freeze. Shaking the bag allows the heat to be distributed evenly, giving you smoother ice cream.
Pro tip: Double bag the smaller Ziploc bag to prevent salt from getting into your ice cream! Use kitchen gloves to shake the ice cream if the Ziploc bag gets too cold for your little one’s hands.
3. Lemon Volcano Experiment
Kaboom! — Who doesn’t love an explosive science project? This volcanic science experiment will surely get your kids excited!
You will need:
- 1 tray
- 2 lemons
- 1 knife
- 1 spoon
- Baking soda
- 3 food colouring (of your preferred colours)
How to:
Cut the ends of both the lemons. Use a spoon to remove some of the lemon pulp. Place the lemons onto a tray, facing upwards. Add four to five drops of each food colouring to both the lemons. Fill each lemon with baking soda let the explosion take place!
The science behind it:
Baking soda is sodium carbonate which reacts with acids such as citric acid found in lemon juice. This reaction forms carbon dioxide and sodium citrate which causes the fizzing and bubbling!
Pro tip: Use varying types of citrus fruits such as oranges or limes to see which citrus fruit reacts the best with the baking soda. You can even mix different colours to see a combustion of fun colours take place!
4. Disappearing Egg Shell Experiment
Did you know that you can turn an egg into a bouncy ball? If your child loves playing with balls, this is one of the best science projects for kids which will definitely blow their minds! Best of all, you probably have all these items readily available at home.
You will need:
- 1 egg (raw)
- White distilled vinegar
- 1 cup/glass
How to:
Place the egg into a glass or a cup. Fill the cup with white distilled vinegar till the egg is fully submerged. Do you see the bubbles immediately forming on the egg? — This is one prompt question to ask your child while conducting the experiment. Leave the egg in the vinegar for at least a day and watch the eggshell magically disappear!
The science behind it:
The acetic acid in the vinegar breaks down the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, resulting in a naked egg. Once the shell has dissolved, the vinegar will move through the membrane and cause the egg to inflate slightly. As the membrane becomes taut, the egg will become bouncy!
Pro tip: Use a clear glass cup so that your child can observe what happens to the egg.
5. CD Balloon Hovercraft Experiment
Does your typical family game night consist of playing board games? Why not compete to see who can make the best CD (compact disc) balloon hovercrafts instead? If your children love racing games, this is one of the best science experiments for kids! It will definitely be a fun and educational activity for them.
Image source: YouTube screengrab
You will need:
- 1 CD
- Decorations (e.g. googly eyes, stickers)
- 1 pop-top cap (e.g. from dish soap, bottle)
- Hot glue
- Smooth tabletop
How to:
Decorate the shiny side of the CD with fun stickers or googly eyes. Using hot glue, glue the pop-top cap onto the centre hole of the CD. Once you’ve attached the cap, run more hot glue around the edge so that the seal is tight. Let it completely dry.
Once dry, press down on the pop-top cap to seal it. Blow your balloon and pinch the neck of the balloon to seal the air in. When ready, wrap the neck of the balloon over the top of the cap and roll it down as far as you can go. Once you’re ready, lift up the cap and watch the CD hover around on your smooth tabletop! What happens if you set it off on a carpet or on the grass? — these are other places you can try the experiment at to see whether the results change.
The science behind it:
Inflating your balloon creates a cushion of moving air between the disc and the smooth tabletop surface. This will elevate the CD and reduce friction allowing your disc to hover easily and freely.
Pro tip: Ensure that the pop-top cap is properly sealed on so that no air will leak out. If you cannot find a pop-top cap, you can also poke a hole into a plastic bottle cap.
6. Invisible Ink Experiment
Can’t count the number of times your child has requested to dress up like Spidey or Kim Possible? Let them turn into a secret agent with this fun project. Keep your child entertained for hours as they embark on this secret mission.
You will need:
- 1 small paintbrush
- 1 large paintbrush
- Pieces of plain white paper
- 1 tbsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp water
- A cup of grape juice
How to:
Mix both water and baking soda together to make the invisible ink. Use the paintbrush to mix the ingredients until the baking soda has dissolved. Use the smaller paintbrush to write your secret message on the piece of paper. After you’re done writing the secret message, let the link dry. To reveal the secret message, dip the bigger paintbrush into the grape juice and paint a thin layer over the secret message!
The science behind it:
The baking soda reacts with the acid found in the grape juice to make the words visible.
Pro tip: If you do not have grape juice, you can also use other acid juices such as blueberry juice!
7. Magic Leak Proof Bag Experiment
Everybody thinks that if you poke a bag of water with a pencil, the water will spill out. Is that true? To find out, task your child to be the magician with this mind-blowing science experiment.
You will need:
- 1 ziploc bag
- Water
- 5 pencils
How to:
Fill the bag with water till it is about ¾ filled. Zip it close and ensure that it is tightly sealed. What happens when you poke the pencil through the Ziploc bag? — Ask your little one this question before you start poking with pencils into the centre of the Ziploc bag. Ensure that the pencil goes in one side and comes out all the way out on the other side of the bag.
The science behind it:
The plastic Ziploc bag is made of polymers. Polymers are a long chain of molecules. When you poke the pencils into the bag, the chain of molecules “hug” and seal the pencils. This prevents any leakage of water.
Pro tip: Your pencils should be sharpened so that it is easier to poke it through the Ziploc bag!
Open your child’s eyes to the world of science
Image source: iStock
Children are naturally curious and want to learn things on their own. Hands-on science projects and experiments encourage your child to explore and make discoveries independently. Ready to start? Let your little one look and feel the part with a lab coat and kids goggles (available on Remember to keep your child supervised at all times too!
Looking for other educational indoor activities to entertain your toddlers with? Check out this guide to sensory activities for toddlers as well as challenging brain teasers for your kids! Don’t stop there — take your kids outdoors to the best outdoor playgrounds to discover the world around them too!
This article was first produced by Shopee Singapore and repurposed with permission on theAsianparent.
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