The timeless tale of a an unlikely friendship between Charlotte the spider and Wilbur the pig, comes to life in this heartwarming production by The Little company, a division of the Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT).
Facing the threat of the butcher block, Wilbur is rescued by Charlotte, who, with her web-spinning prowess and gossamer medium, sings Wilbur’s praises and effectively turns him into a local celebrity.
This children’s classic was named “the best American children’s book of the past two hundred years” by The Children’s Literature Association. Tony Award nominee and author/co-author of 55 published plays and musicals, Joseph Robinette, worked with Charlotte’s Web author E.B. White, to create a poignant production that definitely spins a positive message for audiences young and old.
Catch the highly entertaining and surprisingly moving production on these dates:
presented by The Little company, a division of the Singapore Repertory Theatre

28 October (3pm) to 11 December 2016
Weekends and public holidays: 11am & 2pm
Weekdays: 10am
KC Arts Centre – Home of SRT
Weekends and public holidays
*$28 for Category 1 seats (you will be seated closer to the stage)
*$25 for Category 2 seats
*$48 for Category 1 seats
*$38 for Category 2 seats
*$35 for Category 2 seats
Available through SISTIC
*exclusive of booking fees
Special Discounts:
10% Discount for MasterCard holders
15% Discount for The Three Little Pigs Ticket Stub Holders
Weekend Family pack prices (4 tickets)
Category 1 (with photo taking): $163
Category 2 (no photo taking): $129
Category 1 (with TLC CD and photo taking): $175
Category 2 (with TLC CD, no photo taking): $141
Weekday Family pack prices (4 tickets)
Category 1 (with TLC CD): $107
Category 1 (without TLC CD): $95
Things to note:
- Recommended age: 4 and above
- Not recommended for infants-in-arms and kids 2 years and below; but if parents wish to bring the infant/child, both parent and infant/child will be required to purchase a ticket to the show.
- Booster seats are available (first-come-first-served), though not guaranteed and not included with ticket purchase. Parents are welcome to bring their own booster seats.
Get your tickets at SISTIC and be uplifted by this tale of true friendship and the wonders it brings.