Pregnancy is a time of careful consideration when it comes to dietary choices. One question that often arises is whether pregnant women can indulge in the exotic and flavorful fruit, durian. In this article, we will explore the safety of consuming durian during pregnancy and offer valuable insights.
The Allure of Durian
Hailed as the King of Fruits in Southeast Asia, durian is either loved for its soft creamy goodness or avoided because of its overwhelming pungent smell. Growing up in Southeast Asia, many of us enjoy eating this unique tropical fruit, but when we know we are about to become mums, we ask: Can I eat durian during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
Is it safe? What are the benefits? We answer all these questions and more for you. We look into how eating durian may affect you during pregnancy, confinement as well as while breastfeeding your little one.
Can I Eat Durian During Pregnancy?
Pregnant women should exercise caution when it comes to consuming durian. While this fruit is generally safe, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.
To mums-to-be craving that sweet custardy taste of durian, fret not. It is actually safe to consume durian during pregnancy – but in moderation.
Nutritional Benefits
Durian is a rich source of various essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. These nutrients can be beneficial for pregnant women, helping to support their overall health and well-being.
On one hand, fresh durian is a rich source of nutrients: Iron, Riboflavin, Copper, Folate, Calcium, Fiber, Zinc, Carotene, Manganese, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Niacin, Thiamin, Sugar, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Ascorbic Acid.
Folate Content
Folate is a crucial nutrient during pregnancy as it helps prevent certain birth defects. Durian contains a notable amount of folate, making it a healthy choice for expectant mothers.
Glycemic Index
Durian has a high glycemic index (GI), which means it can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes or those at risk should be cautious and consume durian in moderation.
Digestive Concerns
One of the concerns associated with durian consumption is its potential to cause digestive discomfort. The high fiber content can lead to bloating and gas, which may be particularly uncomfortable during pregnancy.
Allergies and Aversions
It’s important to note that some pregnant women may experience aversions or allergies to durian. If you’re sensitive to strong odors or have a known allergy, it’s advisable to avoid durian.
Food Safety
Ensure that the durian you consume is fresh and sourced from reputable sources. Contaminated or spoiled durian can pose risks during pregnancy.
But durians are high in fat, sugar, and carbohydrate content, so perhaps avoid the tempting durian buffet, especially for those with gestational diabetes or a family history of diabetes.
Can I Eat Durian During My Confinement Period?
If it is safe to consume durian during pregnancy, then it is definitely okay to eat this delicious fruit after giving birth.
In Thailand, they believe that durians can help to strengthen the body, so women there will consume it during their confinement period. If you are craving this custardy fruit shortly after giving birth, ask your healthcare provider whether or not it is safe for you to do so.
Some traditional beliefs claim that after eating this tropical fruit, drinking coconut water, salt water, or other herbal drinks with cooling properties helps to counteract the “heatiness.” Another popular traditional practice is to drink some water straight out of the empty durian husk.
Is Durian Good for Breastfeeding?
Image Source: iStock
Is it OK to eat durian while breastfeeding?
So we’ve established that it’s safe to eat durian during pregnancy. But is it also recommended for breastfeeding mums?
Some breastfeeding mothers swear that by eating durian, they can boost milk flow and produce thicker and creamier milk – but there is no solid scientific research on this. A possible explanation could be the durian’s rich nutrient profile, including Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium, Carbohydrates, Dietary Fibre, Protein, and Calcium.
As breastfeeding mums can burn up to 500 calories daily, this additional source of nutrients may be quite beneficial. However, consume in moderation and if in doubt, remember to consult your health care provider. Do note that eating one small durian amounts to 885 calories already.
Does Durian Affect Libido?
Durian is believed in Javanese culture to be a potent aphrodisiac which can increase libido, although there is little scientific evidence to prove this.
So if parenthood has worn you down and you need encouragement to get in the mood, skip the chocolates or oysters and dine on some delicious durian instead. However, we recommend you brush your teeth before attempting to woo your partner on that special date night to eliminate the less-than-amorous durian breath!
Can Durian Help Fertility?
Can you eat durian while trying to conceive?
Women in some countries, such as India, believe that if they happily chow down on this unique fruit, they will boost their fertility and increase their chances of conceiving.
Some studies on mice have also shown that eating durian can help improve stamina and increase libido, although there is no further research on this. So if you’re trying to conceive or planning on having another addition to your family, it won’t hurt to add this bittersweet fruit to your shopping list.
How Does Durian Affect Your Energy Levels?
Durian contains Folic Acid and is high in fibre.
Waking up in the middle of the night for feedings or diaper changes is bound to make you feel exhausted and want to reach out for that large cup of coffee. But did you know that durians are a great source of energy thanks to their high potassium levels and are a good source of Vitamin C which can protect you from the common cold and help reduce stress and fatigue? How’s that for a caffeine-free pick-me-up?
How Does Durian Benefit the Pregnant Body?
Let’s go back to the topic of eating durian during pregnancy.
The less-than-glamorous part of being pregnant is the uncomfortable constipation many women face. Durian’s high-fibre content might help. A high-fibre diet will help absorb water and food in the digestive system, regulate your bowel movements, and treat any of your constipation woes.
Dieticians from The Dietetic & Food Services in Changi General Hospital Singapore comment that durians meet 92 per cent of the daily fibre requirement.
Eating durian during pregnancy can also help:
- improve digestion
- increase energy levels
- reduce pain and inflammation
- have better sleep quality
The fruit is rich in many nutrients, including:
- Vitamin A helps maintain healthy vision, skin, and mucous membranes.
- Vitamin C helps maintain healthy gums and bones. It also plays a role in helping the body absorb iron.
- Folate helps your blood cells grow and divide. It also helps prevent birth defects of the brain or spine (neural tube defects).
- Protein is essential for the growth and repair of tissues, protein plays a crucial role in the development of the baby’s organs and overall growth during pregnancy.
- Calcium supports the formation of strong bones and teeth for both the mother and the developing baby.
- Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and for preventing anaemia, which is common during pregnancy due to increased blood volume.
- Phosphorus works with calcium to promote strong bones and teeth, ensuring proper skeletal development for the baby.
- Potassium helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, supporting healthy muscle function and nerve signals for the mother and baby.
- Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, thiamine aids in energy metabolism and ensures proper functioning of the nervous system.
- Fibre supports digestive health, helps prevent constipation, and regulates blood sugar levels during pregnancy.
Are There Any Cons to Eating Durian During Pregnancy?
When pregnant, you want to ensure that you’re eating the best possible diet. But what if your favourite food is durian? How much of it can you consume while pregnant?
Durian is a fruit with a strong odour and flavour. It’s been banned in some hotels and public places because of its strong smell. Even so, many people love durian and eat it all the time. But what are the side effects of consuming durian while pregnant? Will they affect your baby in any way?
Consuming durian during pregnancy is not considered harmful to the baby. However, it’s important to use common sense when eating durian or any food with strong smells or flavours during pregnancy. Eating too much at once could lead to indigestion or nausea, which may be uncomfortable for both mother and child.
If you are pregnant and love eating durian, try eating small amounts of this fruit every few days instead of large amounts all at once. This will help keep your body from becoming overwhelmed by its strong taste and odour.
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Who should not eat durian during pregnancy?
- Women with gestational diabetes or a family history of diabetes should avoid consuming durian due to its high fat, sugar, and carbohydrate content.
- Pregnant women who are sensitive to strong smells or flavours should be cautious as durian has a distinct and overpowering odour that may cause discomfort or nausea.
- Individuals with allergies to durian or other tropical fruits should avoid eating durian during pregnancy to prevent allergic reactions.
How Much Durian Can a Pregnant Woman Eat?
According to Dr Thow Sun Ta, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Sunway Medical, durian is actually edible for pregnant mothers, but due to its very high sugar content, it is recommended to consume it in moderation.
“Eating a small amount, like 2-3 small pieces, is better than consuming an entire durian. Consuming too much of it or any fruit can lead to high blood sugar levels, which can be harmful to pregnant women and reduce immunity levels.
Even if you are not pregnant, it is still not advisable to consume fruit in a large portion due to its high sugar content,” he said.
How Do I Get Rid of the Durian Smell?
After indulging in some durian, you are usually left with the strong smell of durian, which you might not want to transfer to someone else.
So to get rid of this tell-tale sign of your recent tasty treat, try the traditional method of filling some water into the empty durian shells, using your fingers to scrape the inside and then rinsing your hands and mouth with that water. There will be no more lingering Eau de Durian in just a few seconds!
To further eliminate the durian smell, you can also try using a scented candle made with natural soy wax. The clean and fresh lavender scent will quickly fill up the room, creating a pleasant and long-lasting aroma that helps mask any unwanted odours.
What Are the Best Ways to Indulge Durian’s Cravings?
If you have a durian craving and want to try something new and exciting, many desserts and snacks use durian for a truly exotic treat. The modern twist of including this unique ingredient in desserts can be widely found in milkshakes blended with durian, crepes with an oozing durian centre, durian-flavoured ice cream, cakes with a distinct durian taste, and bite-sized durian-filled macarons.
So, ask your husband to take advantage of the current durian season and pick up a delicious treat or two for you!
Image Source: iStock
Pregnant women can enjoy durian in moderation, reaping the benefits of its nutritional content. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of individual preferences and sensitivities. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalised dietary advice during pregnancy. Balancing a varied and nutritious diet is key to a healthy pregnancy journey.
Final Thoughts
The decision to consume durian during pregnancy should be a personal one, taking into account individual preferences and health considerations. As with any dietary choice during this special time, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the best possible outcomes for both the mother and the baby.
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.