On a hot day, one way to feel refreshed is to drink a cold glass of buko juice or coconut water. But, wait, is coconut water safe for pregnancy?
High in electrolytes, potassium, Vitamin C, protein, sodium and dietary fibre, the benefits of coconut water are aplenty and it is an expecting mother’s best friend during the nine months of pregnancy. It will replenish the body and leave one feeling fresh and energetic.
For many pregnant women, drinking coconut water during the first trimester helps to counter morning sickness, constipation and heartburn. It can also reduce fluctuating blood pressure during the last trimester with abundant microminerals.
Since coconut water is zero-calorie, it will keep mums fit, and the baby develops healthily. Some Asian mums feel that coconut water might be too “cooling,” and only drink it during the last trimester.
Many Asian pregnant mums take coconut water in the third trimester because they believe it helps “clean” the baby. The rationale is that the amount of vernix caseosa is reduced when the baby is born.
Is It Okay to Drink Coconut Water for Pregnancy
Pregnant women may avoid drinking coconut water because of its relatively high sodium content. Sodium can cause high blood pressure in pregnant women, leading to preeclampsia or other foetal complications.
However, coconut water also contains potassium—a mineral that helps balance out sodium levels in the body—and some studies have shown that long-term consumption of high amounts of potassium may help reduce blood pressure in pregnant women at risk for developing preeclampsia.
In addition to its electrolyte profile, coconut water contains antioxidants called polyphenols that may help prevent oxidative stress on the body during pregnancy. Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals damage cells in your body; antioxidants help neutralise these free radicals, so they don’t cause damage or illness.
Is Coconut Water Good for Pregnancy
Coconut water is good for you, especially if you’re pregnant.
Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes that can help replenish the body after strenuous exercise or illness. It’s also rich in potassium, sodium, and other minerals, which can help prevent muscle cramps and dehydration during pregnancy.
In addition to being hydrating, coconut water is also high in fibre, which helps with digestion and reduces constipation.
Coconut water also has a low glycemic index rating—it doesn’t raise blood sugar levels like most other beverages. This makes it an ideal choice for pregnant women at risk for gestational diabetes or who need to lower their blood sugar levels because they’ve already been diagnosed with diabetes.
Benefits Of Coconut Water: Why It’s Important To Consume It During Pregnancy
Whether you follow traditional beliefs or scientific facts, read on to discover the many benefits of coconut water for pregnant women!
Boosts Immunity of the Body

One of the foremost benefits of coconut water is its immunity-boosting power. Since coconut water has less sugar and sodium content and is rich in potassium, calcium and chloride, it hydrates, replenishes and rejuvenates the body.
Plus, because of the presence of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, a young and unripe coconut can boost your body’s ability to fight diseases better than a ripe coconut.
Water from this unripe and young coconut can protect the mother and the developing child from illnesses and infections. It also improves the mother’s general health.
Coconut water contains high levels of lauric acid which is responsible for generating disease-fighting fatty acid in the body, called monolaurin. This, in turn, has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.
Therefore, coconut water is the perfect drink during pregnancy because of its sterile property.
It also strengthens the immune system and helps fight diseases like the common flu.
Prevents Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Making coconut water a part of your daily diet would help you maintain a healthy urinary system and prevent urinary tract infections (UTI). The science behind this preventive property is that it helps cleanse the urinary tract and bladder.
So if you are facing issues with internal cleaning of the body, reach out for a glass of refreshing coconut water. Pregnant mums usually go with one coconut a day, but it also depends on the individual body’s constitution. When it comes to food and drinks, always follow the rule of moderation.
Controls Sugar And Improves Blood Circulation
The benefits of coconut water are not restricted to being a refreshing drink or fighting diseases. A glass of coconut water can also control your blood sugar levels and improve blood circulation.
The properties of vitamin C, proteins, magnesium, and potassium make it high in antioxidants which increases the level of good cholesterol in the body. It also controls blood pressure levels which can sometimes cause preeclampsia in a pregnant mother.
Regular consumption of coconut water also helps pregnant women reduce the chances of having a stroke or hypertension.
Ensures a Fit Body and Controls Fat
Coconut water has no calories and helps to reduce cholesterol levels, which makes it a great health drink. In fact, many athletes swear by its energising and refreshing property. That’s because coconut water does not contain much sugar compared to energy drinks or even soft drinks.
It can also prevent the accumulation of fat cells, regulate cholesterol, and reduce excess fat levels in the body. Thereby making coconut water one of the best substitutes for sports energy drinks.
If you are planning to continue with your daily exercising routines, carry a bottle of coconut water as opposed to just plain water.
Prevents Dehydration and Exhaustion

The plasma content and electrolyte balance in coconut water are at similar levels as the human blood. How is that a benefit, you ask? This property of coconut water makes it the best medicine to treat dehydration caused by diseases like dysentery, cholera, diarrhoea and stomach flu.
Therefore, it’s an excellent energy source, especially for pregnant women. Coconut water has high electrolytes that keep you hydrated and energised for longer periods.
If you plan to keep working till the very end of your pregnancy, it will be a good idea to include coconut water in your regular diet. Also, increase the intake of coconut water if you regularly feel dehydrated during your pregnancy.
Treats Heartburn and Constipation
Pregnant women often face several stomach-related issues, including constipation and heartburn. Drinking coconut water can solve both of these problems. It improves digestion, strengthens the digestive system and prevents constipation and heartburn.
Coconut water can regulate pH levels in the body, which makes it an effective drink to help with stomach-related problems. This prevents acidity, improves metabolism, cures nausea and reduces uneasiness caused by these two problems.
Accelerates Growth of the Foetus

By now, you must be thinking that coconut water seems to be a magic drink that solves all problems. But wait just yet. There’s more to this soothing drink. It can also accelerate the growth of your foetus. Yes, that’s right.
Coconut water also has the property to bring down blood sugar and high blood pressure. This positively affects the growth of the developing child and creates a healthy and sustainable growth environment for the fetus.
One of the other lesser-known benefits of coconut water is that it is a natural diuretic. What this means is that coconut water can control the uric acid levels in the body. This is fairly important for a pregnant woman.
Keeping the uric acid in control ensures an increased flow of urine which keeps the urinary tract clean, keeping the body from any infection.
Therefore, coconut water prevents urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as curbs any chance of preterm labour. It also maintains the kidney’s good health and avoids problems such as kidney stones or liver infections.
So if you thought that drinking coconut water was simply to refresh yourself, then think again. The benefits of coconut water make it one of the best beverages for a pregnant mother and her developing child. So why wait? Grab a glass and reap the benefits of this refreshing drink that’s great for sunny Singapore!
When to Drink Coconut Water During Pregnancy
The good news is that coconut water is perfectly safe to consume in moderation throughout pregnancy, as long as you’re drinking less than one cup per day. And because of its high potassium content and low sodium content, coconut water can actually help regulate your blood pressure and prevent oedema (swelling).
How Often to Drink Coconut Water During Pregnancy
No matter what your pregnancy stage is, you can reap the benefits of coconut water. It’s a natural source of electrolytes, which are essential for hydration and keeping your body functioning properly. It also has vitamins and minerals that can help keep you healthy throughout your pregnancy.
So how often should you drink it? While it is good for you, experts say that pregnant women should limit their consumption of coconut water to up to 2 glasses per day, to prevent the negative side effects of too much potassium.
Side Effects of Coconut Water During Pregnancy
The side effects caused by coconut water during pregnancy are mild but they can be harmful if they are not addressed. The most common side effect of coconut water during pregnancy is an upset stomach. If you drink too much coconut water or have an allergy to coconuts, then this could cause an allergic reaction that results in vomiting or nausea.
Another potential side effect of coconut water during pregnancy is constipation. Coconut water contains large amounts of fibre which can lead to constipation if it’s not consumed in moderation.
Drinking too much coconut water can also result in diarrhoea because it is high in sodium content which causes fluid retention in the body leading to increased urination frequency which causes more frequent bowel movements than normal.
If you’re planning on becoming pregnant soon or already pregnant then make sure that you avoid consuming large quantities of coconut water daily as it could lead to serious problems such as dehydration due to excessive urination frequency among other things like heartburn.
3 Ways To Add Coconut To Boost Immunity Of The Mum And Baby
Image Source: Pexels
Not just coconut water but the coconut as a whole is a great immunity booster and all the more important in the pandemic era when you need natural immunity to fight against the coronavirus and its many mutated strains.
Not just coconut water but pregnant women can consume coconuts in many forms to suit their dietary restrictions or to suit their taste buds, which will keep you and your baby healthy and happy.
1. Cold-pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
It contains MCTs (Medium Chain Triglyceride Fats) that the liver can use as a cleanser. This is one of the healthiest saturated fats because the body can absorb it easily. Virgin coconut oil also helps keep the skin hydrated and can be used to exfoliate dead skin cells.
Expecting mums should add cold-pressed virgin coconut oil to their food preparations and even baking. Coconut oil also contains monolaurin which functions as an antivirus and helps build a natural immunity from enveloped viruses.
2. Coconut Meat
The blood volume increases when you are expecting, causing the feet and legs to swell. Poor blood circulation can make things worse. Consuming coconut meat helps improve blood circulation during pregnancy, which in turn will prevent swelling.
Traditional beliefs also suggest that mixing coconut meat with spices is a great metabolic booster for pregnant women. While there are no scientific theories to back this, the addition of coconut meat to your diet will have no harm.
3. Coconut Milk
Expecting mums can also choose to consume coconut milk regularly. It contains good amounts of iron that helps in treating anaemia, along with improving digestion-related problems. Coconut milk can also help manage your blood sugar and blood pressure levels and is a natural muscle relaxant.
Pregnant women tend to complain about joint pains with weight gain during pregnancy. Coconut milk provides symptomatic relief from joint pains and scratching pains.
So pregnant mums, when do you plan to start drinking coconut water during your pregnancy? If you have more questions on what you can and cannot eat (or drink) during pregnancy, do not hesitate to consult your OB-gynaecologist.
Updates from Pheona Ilagan
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.