Husbands and wives, you’ve probably heard it all before. You know what I’m talking about: the importance of mutual respect, trust, support, and (most importantly) good communication.
And while you’ve heard it all before, you probably don’t realize how seriously important it is to communicate well with your partner! In fact, research from the American Psychology Association (APA) claims that “communication (or lack thereof) is a greater predictor of divorce than personality compatibility, commitment levels, and life events.”
It may not be the easiest part of marriage, but communication is definitely key to a happy, long lasting marriage. Among the many things you’ll need to communicate and convey to your partner is your deeply rooted passion and love for them. That’s why today we’re going to take a look at 7 simple and effective ways to show your partner how much you love them.
Let’s take a look at some interesting and different ways you can tell your spouse you love them on a daily basis:
1. “You have my support”

“Showing you’re there for them with verbal and non-verbal cues makes them feel safe to be themselves in the relationship, which helps build trust and intimacy,” according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Marriage is more than a union, it’s the realization that you’re a team and together you can conquer anything.If you want your partner to feel loved, let them know as often as possible that you have their back in anything they’re going through.
2. “I’m sorry”
“By saying ‘I’m sorry,’ you build trust in your relationship,” according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Not only do you build trust, but you work towards achieving true and honest mutual respect. Giving an authentic apology lets your partner know that you love them, you respect them, and that you know when you’re in the wrong, and that you’re capable of taking responsibility for your actions.
3. “Tell me how you feel”

Everyone likes to be heard, especially when the time is right. Asking your partner to tell you how they feel is an open invite to what makes them tick. it makes them feel valued, and that what they’re going through and what they have to say are important to you.
Psychology researcher John M. Grohol says that most people find it hard to set their point of view aside and just listen to the other’s concern, which makes effective communication difficult.
That doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It just means it takes work and patience.
4. “Let’s settle this later”
“If you notice that you’re raising your voices, bringing up past issues, or bickering, it might be time to take a deep breath and say that you’ll discuss the issue once your adrenaline levels get back to normal,” reports the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC).
That’s right, married folks. The old adage, “If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” is actually worth its salt. Not only that, it’s an effective way to tell your partner that you love them because you show them that you want to choose your words carefully and not hurt them by speaking harshly in the heat of the moment.
5. “Good night”

It may sound trivial, but saying this nightly can serve as a kind and simple formality that makes them feel loved each and every day.
“Saying ‘good night’ before bed, even if you had a bad day, is a good indicator that your relationship matters to you,” says Mark Goulston, clinical psychiatrist and professor at University of California, Los Angeles.
“Saying ‘good night’ means that you both know that your relationship is more important than any upsetting thing that happened that day,” he adds.
6. “Have a good day”
Akin to telling your loved one, “good night”, wishing them a good day is just as effective in conveying love. Goulston says that wishing your partner a good day is just as important to a relationship.
There are tons of ups and downs during the day, and it’s nice to know that you can expect a little dose of positivity from your S.O. It seems small, but the action speaks a lot louder than the actual words!
7. “I love you”
Surely you saw this coming. I mean, the most clear and direct way to tell your spouse that you love them is obviously going to be…telling them you love them. But it’s more about consistency, and how you say it.
According to a YouGov survey, more than half of couples in relationships lasting from one to five years say “I love you” on a daily basis. But, as their research found, the numbers seemed to drop significantly with each year of the relationship after that.
It’s three little words, people, and they clearly go a long way. Just say you love them on a daily basis, and see how much it helps!
This article was written by Donna Begg of YourTango.
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