Congrats! At 19 weeks pregnant, you’re almost halfway through your pregnancy. Meditation would become a preferable way to de-stress, especially if you don’t want to get out of bed! Learn more about this stage of pregnancy here.

19 Weeks Pregnant is How Many Months?
At this stage, you may be feeling really pregnant, and if you’re among the early ones, you can already feel the baby in your tummy. Well, 19 weeks pregnant is around 5 months pregnant. You’re more than halfway through your second trimester and almost halfway through the whole pregnancy.
Pregnancy Week 19: Baby
This week, your baby is growing fast. Your placenta is working hard to produce the
that will help your baby’s body develop and grow. Your baby’s brain is developing and they can move around a lot more now, too!
Baby’s Growth
Your baby is now the size of a mango—and getting heavier every week. Your baby is now about 15cm long and weighs about 240.0g. Have you felt your baby’s ninja moves yet?
During pregnancy week 19, your baby is growing into a little explorer. Their eyes are open, and they’re trying to figure out what’s going on in the world around them. They can hear sounds now, so you may notice them moving around when certain noises occur (like the vacuum). And even though they don’t have teeth yet, they’re already learning how to suck!
They’re also getting stronger—their muscles are developing and their bones are hardening. They’ll start moving around more and more as they get more coordinated, too!
This week they’ll start practising breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid through their nose and mouth, then pushing it out again through their nose or mouth—just like you do when you yawn!
But that doesn’t mean they’re done growing just yet—this week marks the halfway point of your pregnancy. So get ready for more changes ahead!
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Baby’s Development
In this week-by-week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s skin is beginning to develop pigments that determine their skin tone. They will also be covered in Vernix Caseosa, a thin wax-like substance that helps protect the skin from amniotic fluid. It moisturises your baby’s skin and protects it against harmful bacteria while helping the lungs and digestive tract develop.
- The skin on your little one’s fingers and toes has already formed a distinct pattern. Do you know what this means? Your baby already has something that’s uniquely his – thumbprints and footprints!
- The hair on their scalp is growing.
- Your baby’s senses are blossoming. Their brain is designating specialised areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.
- Research suggests that they may hear your voice now, so keep a check on those swear words. Read, sing, or talk to your unborn baby. Don’t be shy.
- Their kidneys continue to make urine at week 19 of pregnancy.
Baby’s Hearing
You’re probably wondering how your baby’s hearing is developing. While you may not be able to hear them yet, they can hear sounds around them.
At 19 weeks pregnant, your baby’s hearing development is really coming along. They can hear the sound of your voice and other voices in the womb and they may even recognise them.
You may also notice that your baby starts moving more when there are loud noises or music playing in the room. This is because they love music! Your baby starts to recognise familiar sounds and will respond by moving around more when they occur.
Baby’s Teeth
It’s important to note that babies don’t actually have teeth at this stage—just the buds from which the teeth will grow. They may be hard to feel, but if you’ve been feeling cramping or pressure in your abdomen over the past few days, it’s likely that these tooth buds are starting to form.
Baby’s Movement
Baby’s movement is a big deal in pregnancy week 19. If you haven’t felt baby move yet, don’t worry! You will soon.
At this point in the pregnancy, your baby is developing and getting ready to be born. She’s growing rapidly, and her movements are becoming stronger and more frequent.
You should be able to feel your baby moving around as early as 14 weeks into your pregnancy. At this point, most women can feel their baby moving about once an hour for about 20 seconds at a time, on average. This might seem like a lot of movement for such a little guy or gal, but it’s all part of the process!
If you’re still not feeling any movements after six weeks or so, make sure that you let your doctor know so they can check things out (and hopefully reassure you).
19 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound – What to Expect
At 19 weeks pregnant, an ultrasound is an exciting milestone that offers a glimpse into the development of your growing baby.
During this scan, you can expect to see your baby’s features becoming more defined. The ultrasound technician will carefully measure your baby’s size, check the organs for any abnormalities, and assess the placenta and amniotic fluid levels. You may even be able to find out the gender if you wish.
Additionally, the ultrasound can capture precious moments like your baby’s movements or even a tiny hand waving. It’s a remarkable opportunity to bond with your little one and gain reassurance about their health and well-being.
Image Source: iStock
19 Weeks Pregnant: Your Body
Congratulations! You’re officially halfway through your pregnancy! It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies.
At this point, you may be feeling a little more tired than usual and maybe even a little swollen. You might have started to notice that your belly is a little bigger and it’s getting harder to find clothes that fit comfortably. If you haven’t already, you might be starting to show by now.
Your baby is growing fast and has about half of his or her weight now (5 pounds). He or she is also developing more of the muscles necessary for movement.
The bone marrow in your bones is nearly fully formed at this point, but there are still some nutrients from the placenta that need to be absorbed before birth can happen.
You’re probably starting to feel pretty uncomfortable with all these changes going on in your body—and if not yet, then soon! But don’t worry: it’s normal, and it will pass soon enough!
19 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
- Your belly is growing fast, so the ligaments supporting your expanding uterus may cause abdominal aches.
- One in five pregnant women experiences nosebleeds during pregnancy, due to increased blood volume.
- Your little one’s kicks may take you by surprise, though eventually, you will get used to the movements of your little gymnast. Oh, and avoid using your growing bump as a coffee table lest the cup, along with its hot content, falls.
- Your increased bump size may be causing you heartburn, so here are ways to prevent it.
- Aside from your growing baby bump, you may also notice a dark line running from your belly button to your pubic bone – that’s the linea nigra, which is common in pregnancy.
- You may also notice skin discolouration and darkening in other body parts such as the armpits, legs and even the nipples. Not to worry, as it will fade on its own after giving birth.
- You may be feeling out of breath sometimes, and it’s because you need more oxygen during pregnancy. Try to stop and catch your breath, especially if you find yourself feeling out of breath when exercising. One thing to remember is that your exercise should not make you gasp for breath during pregnancy. Shortness of breath is common, but if it becomes severe and is accompanied by chest pains or irregular heartbeat, contact your doctor right away.
Maternal Weight Gain
At 19 weeks pregnant, you’re almost halfway through pregnancy. So it’s time to start thinking about your weight. It’s also a good week to think about what you’ve been eating so far—and how you can continue to make healthy choices as your pregnancy progresses.
You’ve probably already gained some weight since you found out you were pregnant, but now it’s time for the real work to begin!
At 19 weeks pregnant, you should be gaining about 6 pounds total (1 pound per week). That’s an average of 1 pound every 5 days or so, which is a nice, consistent rate that will help you stay healthy and avoid gaining too much weight.
If you’re concerned about whether or not this is too much weight for you, talk to your doctor or midwife about it! They’ll have specific guidelines for how much each individual should gain during pregnancy, so don’t freak out if you don’t fit into those numbers right away—you’ll get there eventually.
Congratulations on making it to week 19 of your pregnancy! This is a good time to start thinking about what you eat as the baby grows and your uterus expands. You should be eating about 300 extra calories each day, which is about one additional meal or snack. You may have heard that a well-balanced diet is important during pregnancy, but what does that actually mean?
For most women, the recommended diet during pregnancy is similar to the one they followed before they were pregnant. That’s because any changes in diet can affect how well your body absorbs nutrients from food and may also increase the risk of complications during pregnancy.
It’s important to avoid foods high in saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugar and salt because they can contribute to gestational diabetes or weight gain.
Image Source: iStock
Pregnancy Care: Your Checklist For Week 19 of Pregnancy
- Keep the aches to a minimum by going on walks and performing simple exercises.
- If you feel light-headed, sit down and do some deep breathing exercises or meditate.
- Hip pain may bother you at night. Sleep with a pillow between your knees.
- Encourage your spouse to feel your little ninja’s kicks! This is a good way for him to connect with the baby.
- Think about picking out names for your baby. It’s never too early!
Your previous week: 18 weeks pregnant
Your next week: 20 weeks pregnant
Updates from Pheona Ilagan
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.