Find out what are some traits of a happy family.
While there is no “template” as to what makes a happy family, there are particular traits that can be spotted in families that are genuinely content with their lives. Some of these traits include open communication, commitment, acceptance, and affection.
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How to have a happy family
Making your own family happy can be easy as long as you are willing to work for it. Here are some tips on how to achieve this.
1. Be there for one another
You are not there for your family, if you are not THERE. Presence is more important than presents. This does not mean that working parents are at a loss or non-working parents have it all. It means setting quality time with your family and getting involved with their daily needs and activities as much as you can, if you have a job outside. And not to brush your children away and tend to phone calls instead, if you are a SAHM. It is not enough for parents to be present during special events like graduations or birthdays. Parents should make time for their children on regular days even if it is just to play or tutor them.
2. Express affection always
Families who are constantly showing affection to each other are often happy. If saying “I love you” is awkward, constantly giving out hugs, high-fives and kisses works too. At worst, you have to show compassion towards one another and be considerate towards each others’ feelings.
3. Communicate effectively
Positive communication is an essential trait when you want to have a happy family. Constant and effective communication eases tension within the family and promotes peaceful sharing of contrasting opinions.
Click on page 2 to find out more tips!

4. Equality
Even if the other child seems to be smarter or more well-mannered than her sibling, to have a happy family means everyone is treated equally. When there are no favorites or black sheep in the family, each member’s confidence will be boosted and all will feel loved. There are parents who feel that punishing all their children for the fault of one will develop cohesiveness and comradery among siblings. However do take caution when carrying out such practices because the one ones who do not do anything may feel like it does not seem worth it to behave because she will still get punished for not doing anything wrong.
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5. Constant family bonding
To have a happy family, all the members should act like, well, a family. It could be going grocery shopping, volunteering at a local charity, watching a movie, going out to dinner or hiking in the woods. No matter what the activity may be, as long as your family is together, happy memories will always be made.
6. Go one-on-one
For families with multiple children, it is also important to spend solo time with each kid. For a day, your husband can opt to bond with the eldest while you cater to the youngest. Create a schedule to determine which is best for the whole family.
7. Sorry is not enough
Parents should instill principles in their children such as ‘action means more than words’. Saying sorry isn’t enough because children may lose faith in it’s value if “sorry” is uttered all the time without any remorse or follow -up. They must also show repentance and make it up to the person they offended. This could be done by writing a sorry card, sharing a toy, giving a wild flower and more. It would be ideal if you and your spouse exemplify this towards each other or even to your children if you have wronged them.
Refer to the next page for the rest of the tips!
An active family outing makes everyone healthier and happier.
8. Rewarding good behavior
Apart from handing out reprimands or punishments for bad behavior, parents should also reward the good ones in order to have a happy family. It doesn’t have to be extravagant though. An additional hour of TV time or extra scoop of ice cream will do.
9. Exercise together
Exercising releases happy hormones and when the entire family is being active together, they’ll be happier and healthier too! Get the whole family involved in a sport such as badminton, soccer, cycling etc. This will maintain a healthy lifestyle for everyone and most importantly, tighten your family bond.
10. Have fun!
To have a happy family, all parents should try not to sweat the small stuff and just have fun. Acting like a kid with the children can help bring the entire family closer. Never chide your children for being child-like, they will not remain children forever so make beautiful moments and treasure them. Be happy!
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What are the steps that you took to ensure that you have a happy family?
Tell us your valuable tips by leaving a comment.