Auspicious things to say in your baby full month message!
A traditionally Chinese mark of the new baby’s first month birthday as well as the end of mummy’s confinement, the full month celebration, also called the baby full moon or man yue in mandarin, is a joyous occasion for friends and family to meet the new baby and congratulate the new parents.
What should you say in your baby full month message then? Whether you’re handcrafting a baby full month message for a greeting card or just want to have auspicious things to say to the new parents, here’s the lowdown on writing a baby full month message for the next man yue celebration!
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Good health wishes
With the celebration of a healthy one month old baby, guests can wish continued health and growth for the baby. Traditionally, family and friends present the baby with an ang pao and wish them kuai gao zhang da, meaning to grow fast and healthily. This auspicious baby full month greeting message is said to the new mums and dads in exchange for ang ku kuehs, red turtle shaped cakes that represent longevity and a long fulfilling life.
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Happiness and joy wishes
You can also include blessings for happiness and capture the high spirits of the baby full month celebration in your baby full month greeting message. Auspicious expressions like xiao kou chang kai, meaning to laugh and smile always, as well as jie da huan xi, which means to welcome great happiness and cheer, are also perfect for the arrival of the bouncing bundle of joy. New parents also often gift peanut candies to the guests, symbolising the sweetness and bliss that the baby brings.
Good luck and prosperity wishes
With many traditional Chinese greetings containing the blessing for wealth and riches, it is almost customary for guests at the baby full month celebration to also give well-wishes for continued prosperity (both materially and intangibly) for the family.
Auspicious blessings like zhao cai jin bao, which means welcoming of treasures and riches, offer congratulatory wishes on the arrival of the new jewel in the family. Here, the indispensable red eggs are given in exchange for the wishes and ang paos, with red symbolising good luck, eggs representing fertility and the blessing of children, and red packets representing wealth.
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Personalise your message
To write the best baby full month message, your greeting should come straight from your heart. As we all know, the best notes are not the ones that are typed out fancifully or printed most neatly, but rather, those that convey your heartfelt wishes and sincere congratulations.
Take a moment and really put some thought into writing a baby full month message for your loved one — you might even come up with a personal message that is way better than what any guide can offer!