Studying the best way for different learners
Some of us learn best through an auditory input, or through hands-on activities. Others simply need an accurate visual aid to understand a new concept.
While the combination of all three usually reaps good results, it’s common knowledge that each individual has a primary learning style. Once you identify your child’s primary learning style, you can build a conducive learning environment and study strategy for your child to flourish in.
Kinesthetic learners

These learners are more inclined to a more hands-on, practical learning style. Physical activities like games need to be incorporated into their learning experience for them to get the most out of it.
Kinesthetic learners may find it difficult to sit still when studying and may need to take frequent breaks from their studying.
Strategies for kinesthetic learners:
– Writing, highlighting or underlining important notes multiple times
– Use science experiments, skits, field trips and even dancing to understand concepts
– Materials like the abacus, building blocks, modeling clay and maps should be incorporated into learning sessions
Read the next page to find out about the auditory and visual learners.

Auditory learners
Auditory learners learn best through verbal instruction and speaking aloud. They are extremely sensitive to auditory cues around them and may either require complete silence or some background music to help them concentrate. They also respond well to voice inflections and body language displayed by those instructing them.
Revision strategies for auditory learners:
– Memorise notes by reading them aloud
– Explain concepts aloud to themselves
– Use phonetic approach to teach reading and pronunciation
– Answer questions orally when revising
Visual learners
Visual learners respond best to written instructions, graphs, demonstrations and videos. Background noises often distract them and they need to study in a quiet environment to maintain full focus on the task at hand. Visual learners also prefer to watch, instead of talking or taking a hands-on approach.
Revision strategies for visual learners
– Use visual aids like graphics, images, outlines, mind maps and diagrams
– Use flash cards to teach the alphabet or mathematical concepts
– Teach sequencing and paragraphing by allowing the child to rearrange paper strips to form the correct sentence or paragraph formation.
– Use a variety of coloured highlighters or symbols to differentiate important concepts
It’s important to observe your child to correctly identify his primary learning style so that you teach him an appropriate study strategy. It’s fine to focus on his mainly on his primary learning style, but a combination of all three will help to maximise a child’s learning potential, and also provide more variety to his learning experience.
For related articles on your child’s education and study strategy, see:
Understand your child’s 7 learning styles
The most efficient way to learn language
Helping your child do well on tests