Everyone casually throws around the line ‘women are from Venus, men from Mars’ whenever a debate arises on the issue of the men-women gender difference. The point here is to show that women ‘think’ differently than men. However, besides the obvious anatomical differences, did you know that women are actually quite different than men when it comes to how their bodies function? In fact, here are 7 women body facts that differ from men, so read on!
7 Women Body Facts!
1# Women need quality sleep more than men do!
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Poor sleep has different effects on men and women. Researchers at Duke University Medical Centre conducted a study and concluded that women who sleep poorly are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart conditions than men who slept equally poorly. They also suffer from physiological stress, so ladies, time to get some quality sleep from now on!
2# A woman’s brain is actually different than a man’s!
A study compared the brains of men and women, and guess what, they are structurally different!! Men have brains that are bigger in volume and size, probably in correlation with body sizes. In addition, the parts of the brain responsible for a particular function are different in the two sexes.
One of the women body facts us that, women tend to have larger volumes in areas of the brain dealing with language and emotions. On the other hand, men tend to have larger volumes in brain regions associated with survival instincts, memory, and learning.
3# PMS is quite real
Over a course of 28 days or so, the uterus wall undergoes a series of changes in line with the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is orchestrated by the fluctuation of female hormones throughout the month, and many women may commonly experience emotional changes especially before period starts (also known as the pre-menstrual syndrome, PMS).
Mood swings, an urge to stay in bed, curl up and eat ice cream is not a made-up thing. It is quite real, so once in a while, do take a day off and pamper yourself! Yes, this point is very important part of the women body facts.
4# It is easier to get a UTI if you are a woman
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It sucks. And the reason for this is the short urethra – the tube that helps you void urine from the bladder. The urethral opening is in close proximity to the vagina, and pathogens can travel easily from the genital system to the urinary tract, causing UTIs. And that is why you need to take care of yourself. Eat right, clean properly, and use the restroom every time after having sex.
5# Ovarian cancer is on the rise in Singapore
Men lack ovaries, so this condition is unique to women. The worst thing is, ovaries are internal – you cannot check them for their size or abnormalities as men can with their testes. And, when there is a malignancy, there is ample space for them to grow before they get detected. So, in many cases, this cancer gets detected only in advanced stages. And it is the same case with cervical cancer.
In Singapore, ovarian cancer is the 5th most common cancer and is on the rise. Cervical cancer is the 10th most common cancer in Singapore. And both can be detected early by simple examination and lab tests.
And that is why a routine visit to a gynaecologist is so important. At Gleneagles Hospital, expert gynaecologists and a team of dedicated professionals will make sure that your experience is warm and personal.
6# Going for regular screening with a gynaecologist can catch any cell changes early
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Screening programmes are meant to catch such diseases early so that the quality of life improves. With women’s cancers such as ovarian cancer on the rise, it is recommended that any woman who is over the age of 30 should get a ThinPrep Pap Test done every three years. Experts also advise visiting a gynaecologist at least once a year if not more frequently, as early detection can save lives.
Mums, while you are taking care of the family, you end up neglecting yourself, so don’t do that and get an appointment booked with a gynaecologist at Gleneagles Hospital today. You can call on 6812 3788 or simply visit the website here to make a booking.
7# ThinPrep Pap Test ends up being more effective than a routine Pap smear
Human Papilloma Virus is responsible for cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear is meant to catch early cellular changes in the lining of the cervix. However, the technique is dated, and thankfully, a better alternative is available.
The ThinPrep Pap test is proven to be more accurate than the conventional Pap Smear screening. Thus, the chance of detecting early cellular changes is higher with the ThinPrep Pap Test. In addition, women also prefer to undertake an HPV DNA test, to understand if they have the harmful strains of HPV. Both are available for S$90 when you book them together at Gleneagles Hospital here.
In fact, getting yourself examined should be on top of your new year’s resolutions along with these 4 other things.
Mums, I would not say that the body of a woman is more delicate than a man. What I would say, though, is that women tend to neglect pains and aches, and this is not good for you. So, change starts today. Take the responsibility of your health in your own hands, because frankly, you are the glue holding the family together. Be aware of these women body facts, and visit www.gleneagles.com.sg/womenshealth to find out more.
At Gleneagles Hospital, a team of over 300 multidisciplinary doctors and allied professionals are on your side to help diagnose, treat, and assist every woman on her road to recovery.