Like a bolt from the blue, a man delivered a kick to a woman’s dog as they walked past him.
When she demanded to know why he attacked them, he allegedly responded: “Because the dog is like you!”
The incident occurred on Tuesday (March 10) evening when Joreen Yeo took her Japanese Spitz out on a walk near Rivervale Crest.
Woman and Dog Attacked by Stranger
10 minutes into the walk, a man wearing safety boots approached Yeo, Lianhe Zaobao reported.

“This man, wearing safety boots kicked Snoopy in the face suddenly, when he’s in front of us,” the 27-year-old wrote in her Facebook post.
Even though she called the police on the spot, the man “continued to follow [her] for six to seven minutes until [they] were on an overhead bridge.”
“He tried to kick my dog again so I blocked him, but I ended up getting kicked on my right leg. It’s injured now,” she told the Chinese daily.
Yeo later spent $86.35 treating her injuries at a clinic, and lamented: “My leg is injured with bruise and cut and it is swelling up badly. (sic)”
Photo via Asiaone from Lianhe Zaobao
Snoopy, fortunately, did not have any visible injuries, Yeo said. If he did, however, start showing signs of pain or discomfort, she would bring him to the vet.
The police told AsiaOne they were alerted to a case of voluntarily causing hurt at Blk 110 Punggol Field that same day.
“The parties involved were advised on their legal recourse.”
This post was first published on AsiaOne and was republished on theAsianparent with permission.

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woman and dog attacked by stranger