Diana Guo is an artist and a blogger who creates crafting activities for kids and features them in her blog www.mumcraft.com. She also holds a full-time job as a Digital Marketer. Needless to say Supermum Diana is so many things rolled into one!
So how does she manage to juggle all these you might ask? “Having a capable helper helps to lighten the load a fair bit. And a hands-on hubby is definitely an advantage,” she says. Her career and many endeavours were born out of her two passions—crafting and motherhood.

With so many arts and crafts projects she has featured in her blog and arts activities she has included in her party works business the ultimate craft project for Supermum Diana is still raising her kids.
We list down 5 reasons why motherhood and raising children is a lot like an arts and craft project:
1. Crafting much like motherhood is challenging at first but you eventually get better at it.
“Feeling tired is an understatement with a young child at home,” says Diana. But the difficulties that come with starting out as a parent and raising young kids don’t last long. Eventually parents get better at ‘parenting’ and get used to the routine. “Somehow your body would adjust and keep up with the demands,” she adds. She sees people as creatures of habit, once a mother gets used to the routine she’ll be able to accomplish tasks like clockwork.
So if you’re a new mom, struggling with all these demands and new responsibilities, keep your head up and know that you’ll be able to adjust and get better at motherhood in time.
2. Every craft is unique just like every kid.
Just when you thought you’ve figured everything out with your firstborn comes another one with a different set of needs. And the tasks are ever growing and changing with the children’s needs according to Diana. “Every child has their own unique sets of items on the checklist,” she shares. For her girls she needs to make sure that they are on track with their schoolwork and ballet lessons while fulfilling their emotional needs for affection and attention.
For her pre-schooler on the other hand she needs to focus on the child’s need to play and control meltdowns. And as for her toddler “it’s all about cuddling, breastfeeding on demand and experiencing milestones together”.
3. Much like crafting the joy in motherhood comes in seeing something beautiful come out of your hard work.
“My greatest rewards would be the joy and progress I see in my children,” she shares. Diana finds joy and fulfillment in seeing improvements in her children’s report books and when they achieve milestones. She also appreciates the little notes and drawings she gets from her kids and feels that her husband who used to be unexpressive has gotten better in showing appreciation for her over the years.
On the next page: find out what multi-tasking is like for mummy Diana
4. Motherhood like crafting is taxing but fulfilling.
Raising kids and taking care of a family much like working on an arts and crafts project requires a lot of energy, dedication and hard work. Sometimes it also involves making sacrifices and a ton of courage and perseverance. Some days are better than others, but mothers continue to try because just like one’s passion for crafting, mothers are fueled by their love for their families.
And at the end of the day the fulfilment you get even after a hard day’s work it unlike any other.
5. Crafting and motherhood requires multi-tasking and sometimes, wearing many hats at the same time.
Not all crafting activities are the same, some require one to be good at painting, other require one to be good at sculpting and there are those that require one to be good at all. Which is much like motherhood. Like Diana, some mothers are made to wear many hats and fulfil various tasks and responsibilities all at the same time.
Diana breastfeeds her youngest on demand, acts as her older kids’ tutor, she also bakes and monitors her children’s test results all while running a business and a blog.
“For a huge family like ours, convenience is one of the key features we look for when it comes to making decisions for the family,” she shares. And a busy multi-tasking Supermum like Diana constantly needs a product that can do more while saving time and energy so she and her family can focus on other things that matter too.
For her family’s oral health she trusts only Darlie Double Action MultiCare Toothpaste. “Darlie Double Action MultiCare is great because it is one toothpaste that suits all my family’s needs,” she shares . It allows Diana and her family to reap more benefits with every brush. “This is great for Nat, my preschooler who often needs to be coaxed to brush his teeth. It is great for family trips and outings as it is one toothpaste that suits everyone’s needs. This makes packing easier too.”

Like Supermum Diana, Darlie Double Action MultiCare Toothpaste multi-tasks like a pro. It packs 8 benefits in one toothpaste —freshens breath, reduces oral bacteria, promotes healthy gums, strengthens teeth, reduces plaque, prevents cavities, cleans between teeth, and whitens! Visit Darlie FB page for more information.