Looking for a potential spouse is never easy, and marrying into a wealthy family invariably involves a special set of conditions. But one rich man in Hong Kong is offering HK$65 million to any prospective husband for his lesbian daughter.
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Marriage with a high price tag
Cecil Chao announced the financial reward after his 33-year-old daughter, Gigi, married her same-sex partner of seven years in Paris earlier in 2012. Apparently, Chao does not demand much of Gigi’s future husband except that:
“I don’t mind whether he is rich or poor. The important thing is that he is generous and kind hearted,” 76-year-old Chao was quoted, “Gigi is a very good woman with both talents and looks. She is devoted to her parents, is generous and does volunteer work”.
Chao also dispelled rumours in the media that Gigi, 33, had already married her partner overseas and stated that she was still single.
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Overwhelming worldwide response
Mr Chao told the South China Morning Post newspaper that about 100 men had contacted his office since he went public, and he appeared glad to note that: “There are some who said they don’t want the money, only the chance to know my daughter.”
It appears that Chao’s offer has triggered too good a response. Offers of marriage to Gigi have poured in from around the world, much to her distress:
“For your family’s sanity’s sake, Daddy, please rescind the notice!” Gigi wrote on her Facebook page after her father had announced the marriage offer. She also added that she would no longer accept Facebook friend requests. She says she has received marriage offers from Nigeria, Bulgaria and Turkey:
“Where do all these people come from? (Jerusalem)? Ethiopia? Istanbul? Ridiculous,” she wrote in reaction to the sudden flood of offers.
Apparently, some of the potential suitors have been over-the-top in declaring their suitability: There have been nude photos and financial statements sent to Chao. A Frenchman, wrote: “I’m really serious and (despite the fact) I am a man I think I can make this woman happy. I’m as soft as a woman”. Another man even suggested to offer a menage a trois: “I will win his daughter’s heart and marry her, and my Maid Marian, a gorgeous Brazilian model, will help accomplish that with me.”
Gigi’s response
How does Gigi feel about being the centre of so much attention? Gigi said she found her father’s pledge very moving:
“At first I was entertained by it, and then that entertainment turned into the realisation and conviction that I am a really lucky girl to have such a loving daddy, because it’s really sweet of him to do something like this as an expression of his fatherly love,” she said.
Bear in mind that same-sex marriages are not recognised in Hong Kong, a conservative Chinese territory where homosexuality was decriminalised only in 1991. Gigi went on to say that her father was concerned about her marital and social status:
“It’s not that he can’t accept me,” she said. “It’s that he can’t accept how society would view me and the status that it would incur. Marriage is still a form of social status. I do understand him. I understand why he’s doing this.”
However, she added that the hype has been very disruptive: “But I don’t appreciate getting 1500 emails.”
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What to do if your child comes out of the closet
Most parents are caught off guard when their child comes out of the closet. They aren’t ready for the words, “Mom, Dad. I’m gay!” Your first reactions may be, “How will I ever cope with this?” or “What happened to my child?”
Your child has found it very difficult to work up the courage to tell you about his or her sexuality. They may be ready for a negative reaction from you. Remember that as a parent, even if you do not agree with their lifestyle choice, you are here to support your child needed you the most.
Source: Herald Sun