Frequent hand washing is one of the most important things you can do to help to reduce the spread of infections and prevent illnesses. The practice of good hand hygiene in children will help to prevent the spread of infections such as colds and stomach bugs.
A higher chance of falling ill
An alarming number of Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease (HFMD) cases have been recently recorded. Compared to 20,687 cases in 2011, there have already been 31,590 reported cases of HFMD for the year-to-date. Recently, cases of diarrhoea and upper respiratory tract infections have also seen a dramatic rise. The spike has both parents and childcare practitioners expressing concern about the spread of germs in schools, and these fears are not unfounded.
While a majority of those suffering from HFMD make a full recovery, the widespread presence of germs from infectious diseases like diarrhoea and the flu pose as everyday threats against both the physical and mental wellbeing of children. In a recent Child Health Intelligence & Performance (CHIP) Study 1, commissioned by Dettol India, it was noted that those who fall sick less frequently and go to school regularly are likely to do much better in exams. They may not only be at an advantage in terms of learning and knowledge but also in terms of cognitive development. In a separate study by a group of researchers at the University of New Mexico, it was proposed that the effect of infectious diseases affects human intelligence, thus the famed Latin saying “mens sana in corpore sano”, which means “a healthy mind in a healthy body”
Protect your children by teaching them regular hand washing
Although the spread of germs is inevitable, the rate of the risk of infection can be dramatically reduced through the simple act of hand washing. Hand washing with antibacterial soap and water has also been proven to reduce chances of falling sick. For example, results have shown that hand washing after using the toilet, as well as before and after handling food, can reduce
incidences of diarrhoea among children under by almost 50%.
Learn the right hand washing technique
Integrate hand washing into your daily routine and raise your children’s awareness with Dettol Singapore! With the correct hand washing technique, you can rest assured that you’re taking the fullest precautions with your children’s health.
The eight-step guide to hand washing

1. Wash your palms
2. Scrub each finger and between each finger
3. Rub back of hands and between fingers
4. Rub the base of the thumbs
5. Rub the back of the fingers
6. Scrub your nails on palms
7. Wash your wrists
8. Dry hands with a clean towel or tissue