When you ask about the ideal aircon temperature for the room for your baby, people will say: “Not too cold and not too hot. You want the temperature just right.” But, what is just right?
Ideal Room Temperature for Newborn
The ideal room temperature for a newborn baby is 20 to 24 degrees Celsius! This is because a newborn’s body is still adjusting to life outside the womb.
If the room temperature is too cool, it could negatively affect their ability to regulate their body temperature. On the other hand, if the room temperature is too warm, it can cause them to overheat, which can be very dangerous for them.
One of the reasons that we recommend keeping your baby’s room at around 20 to 24 degrees Celsius is because they’re still developing their immune system. We know this sounds counterintuitive—why would we want them to be in a colder environment?
But it’s important to remember that your baby’s immune system isn’t fully developed yet, so they need time to adjust before exposure to germs and viruses in the outside world.
Ideal Room Temperature for 2-Year-Old
The ideal room temperature for a 2-year-old is between 21-24 degrees Celsius. The temperature should be lower at night when the child is asleep. It’s important to keep your child’s room as cool as possible during the day to prevent heat exhaustion, which can lead to heat stroke in extreme cases.
Keeping your child’s room at an ideal temperature will help her stay comfortable throughout the day and night.
Ideal Temperature for Baby Room in Summer
Image Source: iStock
There is a general agreement on the ideal temperature for the baby’s room in summer. The best is to keep the room at 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.
This temperature will help the baby to sleep well and feel comfortable. Your baby must sleep well to grow up healthy and strong.
If the temperature in your house is too high, you can use an air conditioner or fans to cool down the room.
If you feel that your baby is sweating, there are some things you can do to make him/her feel cooler:
- Change their diaper frequently as it absorbs sweat and keeps the baby dry.
- Make sure that they do not wear too many or too thick clothes as this can cause sweating.
- Keep their head covered with a hat or a cap so that air does not reach the head directly and make them sweat profusely.
Is 26 Degrees Too Hot for Baby’s Room?
26 degrees Celsius is the temperature that most people believe is the ideal temperature for a baby’s room. The humidity level should be around 40 per cent.
26 Celsius is ideal because this temperature is comfortable for most people, and it will keep your child safe from overheating, which can occur if the room is too hot or humid.
Babies are more susceptible to heat-related illness than adults because their bodies have not yet fully developed their ability to sweat or regulate their body temperature.
You should only raise the temperature in your baby’s room if they are sick with a fever or have been exposed to a virus through coughing, sneezing or contact with another infected person.
Do Babies Sleep Better in Cooler Room?
We all want our babies to sleep well, but knowing how to make that happen can be hard.
You might have heard that keeping a baby’s room cool will help her sleep better. That’s because when your baby is too warm, she’ll kick off the blankets and wake herself up. But does this work?
The answer is…sometimes! It depends on the temperature of your house and the current weather conditions outside. If it’s hot out, but you’re keeping your house cool, then yes—keeping your baby’s room at a low temperature could help her sleep better.
But if it’s cold out and you’re keeping the house warm, then no—keeping a baby’s room at a low temperature won’t help her sleep better or longer.
So what should you do?
The best thing is to keep your baby comfortable in whatever way works for you and your family! If you like keeping your house cool at night but also like having everyone bundled up in blankets while they sleep, then go ahead and do that!
And if you want to keep things warm but still use a fan or two to keep things moving around in there… go right ahead with that too!
Things to Consider for Baby’s Room
Image Source: iStock
When it comes to the temperature of your baby’s room, there are a few things you should consider.
First and foremost, you want to ensure that your baby is comfortable. If you check on them frequently because they seem too hot or too cold, this is not a good situation for them.
Secondly, you must keep the temperature consistent. This can also harm your child’s health if you constantly change the temperature based on what time of day it is or how much activity they are doing in their crib.
Finally, if your baby seems to be sweating excessively when sleeping at night or during the day (especially when they are swaddled), this could indicate that the room is too warm for them.
What Temperature Is Too Hot for a Baby to Sleep
It’s important to understand that there is no one specific temperature that is considered “too hot” for a baby to sleep. Instead, you should look at the room temperature and ensure it does not exceed the recommended levels.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the room temperature be between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 22 degrees Celsius) during the day and between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 21 degrees Celsius) at night.
At these temperatures, your baby will be comfortable enough to sleep soundly throughout the night while maintaining a healthy temperature. If the room is too cold or hot, your baby may wake up frequently due to discomfort or even develop health problems like ear infections or asthma over time.
If you are unsure whether your child’s room is too cold or too hot for sleeping, consider using a thermometer or heat sensor to keep an eye on things yourself!
Room Temperature for Baby During Day
The room temperature for babies is 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. This is the optimal temperature for a baby to sleep, eat, and play. Room temperature can be monitored by using a thermometer.
Babies need to be kept warm while they are sleeping. The best way to achieve this is by wrapping them in blankets or swaddling them in a snugly blanket warmed up by an electric heating pad set at low heat.
During the day, you must keep your baby’s room at a comfortable temperature so that they can play and learn in a safe and secure environment.
Don’t over-wrap your child
Aircon Temperature for Baby With Fever
The air conditioner temperature for a baby with a fever is a matter of personal preference, but you should keep in mind that the room temperature should not be too cold. Many parents prefer to use an air conditioner in a cooler setting and then add a blanket over the baby’s bed.
The baby will benefit from the cooler room temperature without being too cold. This is a good approach as long as your baby doesn’t experience discomfort at lower temperatures.
“Just” Right Aircon Temperature For Baby
The general recommendation is to set your air conditioner between 23 and 25C for us here in Singapore. This allows you to dress in comfortable cotton pyjamas and use a light blanket or duvet.
By keeping the room at an ideal aircon temperature of around 24C for the baby, their body isn’t fighting to stay cool, but it’s not trying to warm up. The environmentally friendly temperature will suit most children over the age of 2 years.
If you have a newborn or a very young infant who is dressed in a footed sleepsuit, swaddled or in a sleeping bag, please adjust the temperature down to 18 to 20C. Please regularly check to ensure your child is not sweating or too cold and adjust the aircon temperature for your baby accordingly.
A midwife’s trick to check if your young baby is too hot or too cold is to put your hand on the base of their neck where it meets their spine. You will feel it there if they are too hot or too cold.
The secret to comfort is to keep the room well ventilated and the air fresh and circulated. So if you don’t sleep with an air conditioner, dress baby lightly, turn the fan on and keep the windows open. If mosquitoes are a concern, attach a mesh screen to the window to keep the mozzies at bay.
Please note that neither 18 to 20C nor 23 to 25C is the ideal aircon temperature if your baby is in a cool climate and you’re heating a room.
A room heated to this temperature is NOT safe for a baby and increases the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
4 Things to Remember About Dressing Baby In Any Weather
My Baby Is Sweating But No Fever – Should I Be Alarmed
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It’s About More Than Quality Sleep
Keeping the room at an ideal aircon temperature for your baby has more to it than ‘just’ sleeping. It’s also about safety.
Keeping the room at a cooler aircon temperature for your baby reduces the risk of SIDS. This is believed to be because cooler, fresher air is less stifling, making breathing easier for a baby.
Babies in their first year are most at risk, and parents should pay extra attention to their sleeping arrangements. Not just the aircon temperature of the baby’s room but also their bedding and sleepwear to ensure safe sleep for baby.
Read the instruction manual for your air conditioner and use a room thermometer just to be safe in the first months for the baby. Once you know what aircon temperature works for your baby, you’ll be able to adjust accordingly.
Other Sleep Aids
You can also add to your baby’s sleep quality by using a low-speed ceiling fan to keep the air circulating. Good ventilation keeps your baby comfortable through the night.
Other things that could help are air purifiers with HEPA filters and ultrasonic cold air diffusers with restful essential oils like Lavender to ensure a good night’s sleep for our little ones.
If you are unsure about your child’s bedroom temperature, please check with your paediatrician, who will be able to help you by taking into account your baby’s medical history.
Did these tips on the ideal aircon temperature for your baby’s room help you? If so, tell us about it!
It’s not just about sleeping, but about the safety of your child!
Updates by Pheona Ilagan
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.