Most of us adults have memories of playing freely with our friends in school and after school in places close to our homes. Yet many parents feel that this is something our own children are missing out on.
The Garden House is organising a series of workshops centred around learning during playtime. With 3 different workshops, it promises to have you leaving with a better understanding the importance of play in your child’s development. Leading the workshops is Marc Armitage, a researcher and writer in children’s play who will be taking you through exploring what children and young people do when they are usually not in the presence of adults.
What’s in store for you?
Parents! You stand a chance to win 1 set of 2 tickets to the workshop of your choice! Read on to find out more about the workshops and simply fill in your details below to enter!

The Roles of Parents & Carers in Children’s Play
A workshop designed for parents and carers of children, this presentation will ask what are the things that might be preventing your child from enjoying play in the way we did and what we you can do to help your children get the most out of their play times.
Date: Wednesday, 2nd Dec 2015, 7 – 9pm
Venue: Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore 178881

PlayWork Perspectives: Playing and Learning by the ‘Do Approach’
This 2 day workshop introduces ‘The Do Approach’. Based on a research and observation led exploration of what and how children play naturally and without adult involvement, the workshop identifies similarities and patterns in children from around the world and asks how this knowledge can be applied to our way of work as a form of ‘best practice’.
Day 1 will cover (you can pick either one of the 2 days):
- Defining ‘play-led’ as different to ‘child-led’.
- Unpacking the phrase ‘Learning through Play’.
- The Role of the Adult in the play-led setting.
- Things that might get in the way and how to defeat them.
Date: Thursday, 3rd Dec 2015, 9am – 4.30pm
Venue: Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore 178881
Day 2 will cover (you can pick either one of the 2 days):
- Developing the concept of the ‘Do Approach’ – an evidence based approach to providing for play
- Nicholson’s Theory of Loose Parts
- The importance of Props and Scenes
- To build or not to build
- The ideal Play Garden
- How to get the Best Play House … ever!
Date: Friday, 4th Dec 2015, 9am – 4.30pm
Venue: Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore 178881