You’ve seen them all over Instagram and social media – the inspiring mums who seem to have it all. Some juggle being a mum with a demanding career. Some champion advocacies while others simply embrace motherhood with every fibre of their being and make it look like a walk in the park! Just how do they do it? What sorcery or magic do they possess?
We’ve spoken to a few mums and managed to get them to share some of their secrets on how they make motherhood and pursuing their dreams fit together. Remember, just because you’re a parent, it doesn’t mean you stop being you! YOU decide what fits!
Read on, and when the inspiration hits you, head on to our Facebook page to join our contest!

Mum 1: Juliana Lim, mum of three boys, thrill-seeking skateboarder
What are you passionate about?
I’ve always been an adrenaline junkie, before and after becoming a mom. I like the outdoors and to do things that make me embrace life and all it has to offer. I love thrills, excitement and boards so not quite your quintessential pretty in pink girl. I’m into surfing, skateboarding, rollercoasters and anything that keeps my heart pumping!
Now that I have my three musketeers, I have even more time and space to indulge in my passions. Skateboarding is a chance to bond with the boys and to do something fun together to stay healthy. It’s also a chance to teach my children that it’s ok to be scared but to also be brave enough to overcome fears. It’s ok to fall and it will be painful but sheer determination and persistence will get us to an achievement that is super rewarding and satisfying. To me, that’s happiness.
What is your advice to other mums?
We only have one shot at living life to the fullest so we should make the right choices. I decide what fits for my family and life, and that means doing everything that makes me happy and alive. Likewise, I think all mums should do more of what makes them happy… in order to be a better mum [who’s] able to give more, our vessel must be full and overflowing You can’t pour from an empty cup!
Juliana is a strong advocate for following your passions even after becoming a mother. She believes that you decide what fits for your family. You make the choice to keep yourself and your family happy!

Mum 2: Jena Lim, mum of one and passionate advocate for all things good and human (Mummy Blogger )
What are you passionate about?
I’ve always been passionate about helping those who are left out by the community, being conscious about the amount of waste we create, and also staying “real” to remind people that most of what they see on social media is anything but real.
Just because we don’t hear enough about poverty or people caught in dire situations, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist in Singapore. Such families often fall through the cracks because they narrowly miss the criteria for government aid and circumstances do not permit them to work. As such, they end up left out by the community at large.
Being a teenage single mother who went through the same situation gave me the insight to how they felt and how I could help them by getting others to bless the items that they need for their daily necessities.
Having a child was the missing piece to my puzzle for it made me realise how much we are doing to our planet and how important it is for me to start doing something to protect the environment that my son (and his family) would be living in and that’s how motherhood fits with my passion.
We aren’t perfect but we try to be conscious about the waste we create and also do our best to reduce using disposable ware by bringing our own containers, reusing plastic bags and buying from zero waste bulk stores where possible.
I decide what fits, so I will do what it takes to fuel my passion – doing my part to protect the environment!
What is your advice to other mums?
Never give up on your dreams!
Becoming a parent might have put some of your plans on hold but you shouldn’t give up on them. Never give up on them and never force your child to fulfill them because you couldn’t!
Everything happens in due time and it might be wise to put your dreams on hold until your family is settled, otherwise it may be damaging to the family and finances.
It’ll be hard, but you’ll pull through if you believe in yourself.
Mums, as Jena shows us, you can literally be anything you want – from environmental warrior to influential mum. Motherhood and your passions can be a perfect fit if you take charge.

Mum 3: Tina Loh, First Time Mum to a cheeky bub
What are you passionate about?
As a first time mum, everything in my life now simply revolves around my baby. I am especially passionate about breastfeeding as I feel that in addition to providing my baby with nutrients, it encourages bonding. Also, I am so in love with his milk drunk look!
My passion (breastfeeding) in itself is part of motherhood so it is the perfect fit!
It wasn’t easy initially as I have always doubted if I would have the maternal instincts that my mum had or whether I would even survive the first year of motherhood! So I’m really glad that I managed to cope and I am still continuing my breastfeeding journey which is something I am really passionate about.
What is your advice for mums?
I’d like to tell all the mums out there that it is incredibly important that you believe in yourselves. While you can, of course, listen to advice that is out there, you have to be discerning as everyone is different and mothering doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach.
Tina shows us that you should pursue your own passions – no one else’s. You are who you are! You decide what fits.

Mum 4: Sharen, mother of one and a lover of life
What are you passionate about?
What I’m passionate about? Simply put, I’m passionate about life and the essence of living it. I’m lucky that motherhood just came naturally with my passion for life so it’s truly the perfect fit for now my passion for life is all about my kid and his well-being.
Motherhood gives me a sense of fulfillment – watching my child grow happy and healthy each day.
What is your advice for mums?
My advice to all the mums who are pursuing your passions while remaining true to yourselves is to have a healthy diet and to exercise more. This is important because this will help you to feel good about yourself and feeling good and healthy will make you stay passionate and driven in the long run! I believe one can achieve anything by being healthy. Being healthy leads to having a strong mind and the combination of a strong mind and body is the way to achieve anything one wishes.
Sharen decides what fits for her in order to fully embrace life. You can too, mum!
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