After I had baby no.2, I was eager to step on the scale to see how much weight I had lost. I had gained a healthy 13kg during my pregnancy and knew that I should have lost more than just the weight of my baby.
But exactly how much does placenta, amniotic fluid and a baby weigh? To my disappointment, not as much as I hoped!
When I finally did step on that scale, I realised I was left with 7 of the 13kg I had gained.
Although It took me a while (1 year to be precise) to reach my pre-pregnancy weight, I am pretty pleased that I kept my promise to myself to eat right and exercise regularly. Of course, breastfeeding my baby helped me along as well.
As for exercise, mums like me should be able start a few weeks after a normal delivery, and a month or so after a C-section. In both cases, be sure to get your doctor’s approval before starting any form of exercise!
To help you get started, our friends at Vivafit Fitness Centre put together 6 exercises that will target post-baby problem areas. These exercises can be done in the comfort of your home and the only ‘equipment’ you will need is an exercise mat!