In a shocking incident in Singapore, a 16-year-old boy impregnated a minor girl while still under probe for sexually penetrating another underage girl.
The second victim became pregnant but miscarried. She was treated at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, according to The Straits Times report.
Boy Charged With Getting A Minor Pregnant
Image courtesy: iStock
The teenage boy pleaded guilty in a district court on Monday, 7 June to the two cases of sexually penetrating a minor.
Due to gag orders, the names of the offender as well as the victims cannot be named to protect their identity. Further details about locations where the offences took place were also redacted from court documents.
The court, however, mentioned that the boy was aware that both the victims were underage at the time of sexually penetrating them.
The first victim, who was 14, went to a friend’s home to spend the night in February 2020 and met the boy there. She was resting on a bed when the boy approached her, unzipped her jeans and sexually penetrated her.
Court documents did not state how the offence came to light, but the offender was under investigation when he targeted a 15-year-old girl who was also his girlfriend at that point in time.
Sharing details about the second victim, the court document said that she had run away from her home in late October 2020 and sought shelter at the boy’s home. The girl became pregnant after they had unprotected sex after sleeping in the same bed.
What are the charges for getting a minor pregnant?
The boy will be sentenced on 5 July, 2021.
May Mesenas, District Judge, called for reports to assess if the boy is suitable for probation and reformative training.
As part of the informative training, offenders will be detained in a centre and made to follow a strict regimen. It will include foot drills and counselling.
What needs to be highlighted here that the charges for getting a minor pregnant and sexually penetrating her, can include up to 10 years jail and a fine. In this case, what do you think, will the punishment be more since he committed the offence on two minor girls?
This case has once again shocked parents and citizens alike, calling for greater need of sex education in the island nation. Do you think that can curb such incidents from happening? Let us know your thoughts.
News source: The Straits Times