Before becoming one of the most successful mumprenuers in Singapore, Bably Bhasin’s first blessing came in 2006. It was the year her first daughter, Sana, was born and she was followed by two more “naughty” editions to the family.
While Bably enjoyed being a mum and a homemaker for several years, certain “change of events” in her life drove her to start her own business, Sameza. Today, aside from being a ‘Making An Impact Entrepreneur,‘ she is also an author, poet, artist, designer and – of course – a mother.
To hear more about Bably’s inspiring story from losing her husband to finding her real mission in life, theAsianparent reached out to the mumpreneur who shared with us her journey that led her to jumpstart Sameza.
Successful Mothers With Careers And The Challenges Along The Way
Image source: Bably Bhasin
A “soul-stirring and soul-finding” battle with cancer
In 2014, Bably’s father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. Just as he finished his treatment in Singapore, the family received the shocking news of her husband’s diagnosis of a very aggressive type of cancer.
“It had already been an incredibly trying year with my father-in-laws’ treatment, but I could never have imagined the incredible gamut of challenges that were still going to come our way,” Bably tells theAsianparent.
At this time, their kids were aged 1, 5, and 7.
She shares, “Honestly, we didn’t know what to tell them except, ‘Papa has a serious type of flu and we all have to be strong, supportive and in-it together so that we can get through it with flying colours’.”
Bably describes cancer as a “soul-stirring, soul-sucking, soul-finding experience” for her entire family. She opens up about it could take you “into the deepest, darkest crevices – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially”.
“Keeping myself sane and brave was imperative as my family was counting on me. The need of the hour required me to be in full-throttle action; 24X7 as a wife, a mother and the pillar of strength for my family. And so, I did. We were at war with life and succeeding through all its colours was the goal,” she says.
Image source: Bably Bhasin
Playing all the roles of a mother, father and leader to her children
Before her husband was diagnosed with cancer, the couple had the same regular parenting challenges as other fellow mums and dads. But in “the face of cancer,” these challenges started to look like minor issues as compared to the of challenges they were facing at the time.
“Cancer was a life-changing experience that changed my life-path forever. It changed our perspectives, our responses, our sensitivities, our expectations, to many things in and about life,” shares the mumpreneur.
She went on to share, “My husband and I became much more calmer and clearer than before. Things that would aggravate us earlier suddenly didn’t seem worth getting angry about. We laughed a-lot-more, cherished each other a-lot-more and enjoyed each other a-lot-more.”
“Now I am not only a mother, but also a father and a leader to my children. I have become very conscious of all these roles, as each of them playing an important part in moulding and training my children, to be ready for their futures,” Bably says.
“Losing my husband was my biggest trial”
“The millions of fears, uncertainties and questions in the eyes of my little girls, amidst the gamut of responsibilities that were now staring at me. I never knew how strong I could be, until I decided to. I could either live like a victim or a warrior. I chose to be a lion, not a sheep,” shares Bably.
She explains, “I did a very detailed honest-to-the-core SWOT analysis of myself. Akin to a fitness test, like an ‘identify-my-identity test’. Who am I? My character, mindset, values, integrity, courage metre, limiting beliefs, and other factors such as determination, grit, passion, dreams.”
“The most important questions I had to answer to myself were – Do I trust myself to do this? Can I count on myself? Since everything is figure-out-able, it was time to cut the crap and make it happen. This was the genesis of my Lion Code,” says the entrepreneur.
She then advises other women, “Often, we so underestimate ourselves, thinking there is only so much we can do. But we are far more capable, brave, smart and resilient; if we allow ourselves to be. Be the gladiator of your own life. Never accept mediocrity.”
As for the most significant barrier she faced as a woman and a mother, she says, “everything, literally everything, changed” after her husband passed away.
She adds, “I never expected people to change as fast as they did, especially after knowing them for years. The speed of everything change was both shocking and overwhelming.
“As I saw the tides turn with time, I became even more determined to find my relevance in this world and throne it. It didn’t matter what barriers came my way nor how many of them came my way… I decided to forge forward, relentlessly, despite it all.”
Successful Mothers With Careers Have To Balance Motherhood With Their Business
Image source: Bably Bhasin
When asked how being a mum has changed her life, Bably responds, “I wouldn’t trade it for anything!” While she admits that it does get “hot, steamy and tiring at times,” all the “smiles, hugs and kisses” make up for everything.
“I have become more mindful of myself as a person; also more aware to what the children see and hear from me. They are watching, observing and learning from both my internal and external dialogues,” says Bably.
She makes sure to add, “I am a role model in their life and I want to make a fun, impressive, powerful, inspiring impact on them. I’m raising my 3 little girls like lions–courageous, empowered, and here to bring out their own unique relevance to the world.”
Managing different roles has now become a habit to Bably, so it’s not as hard as it used to be when she started her business.
She says, “Switching role-hats as and when needed at a particular time or moment is spontaneous, fluid and hassle-free now.”
“My girls have been adaptive, supportive and extremely understanding. I can work on a presentation and be making dinner all at the same time, while the kids are running around the house! It’s like being a head chef in a busy kitchen, managing everything and everyone, all at the same time,” she adds.
Secret To Mumpreneur Bably Bhasin’s Success
Image source: Bably Bhasin
“SAMEZA is the truncated version of the names of my three daughters. SA is Sana, which means Hope. ME is Mehr, which means Gratitude. ZA is Naweza, a Swahili sentence which means ‘I Can Do It’,” shares the CEO.
She continues to explain, “This encapsulates my inspiration, motivation and action in many deeper ways than simply stated. Be it life, children, business or on a personal spirit level, I live by it everyday.”
To elaborate more on what inspired her to start the business, Bably shares that her husband remains her “greatest inspiration”.
She opens up to theAsianparent, “While my husband was undergoing cancer treatment it was imperative to consume a high-quality diet to keep his body well nourished. High toxicity levels lead to oversensitive bodily reactions due to which most cancer patients move onto a very limiting diet.”
“But Sameza rice is something he would constantly ask for, as it made him feel good inside. It encouraged him to keep eating therefore decreasing toxicity and helping his body to heal and recover,” she adds.
Sharing their revelation with fellow patients, they also noticed the same results and improvements in their health since consuming Sameza rice.
She says, “It was an aha moment for us. ‘If Sameza rice could improve the health of cancer patients, when their body is in critical condition, imagine what it could do for everyone else!'”
The “life-altering experience” of her daily time at the cancer wards for 4 years “evoked” Bably to continue on with her mission in Sameza even after her husband passed away.
“I suppose Sameza is my own way of not giving up on the fight. Knowing that we have a solution that can change the future of so many families and children is my biggest driving factor. I want your loved ones to come back home, safe and healthy, for as long as possible,” says the founder of Sameza.
5 Reasons Why Parents Should Consider Adding Sameza Basmati Rice To Their Diets
Image source: Bably Bhasin
1. It is a scientific artisan masterpiece rice that heals your body right down to the cellular level. It works wonders for all age groups. Race and culture, no bar.
2. It has proven positive health transformations in cancer and diabetic patients. If it can help their bodies heal and recover in the most critical condition, imagine what it can do for your entire family.
Clients that faced cholesterol, heart problems, obesity, etc have also experienced major health transformations.
3. Sameza rice has been tested LOW GI: 53, by Temasek Polytechnic. It is also accredited and approved by Harvard Medical School. While there are several Low GI rice in the market, nothing compares to the grain quality of Sameza rice.
4. Sameza rice is the only white rice in the market that adapts to all worldwide cuisines. You can cook it sticky or flaky to suit any recipe. Plus, it’s super delicious!
Don’t be surprised if you don’t want to go back to your current rice. Your entire family will taste the difference and feel Samezing.
5. Luxury quality always comes with luxurious price tags. We want to debunk that mentality because your life is more valuable than money. Since we believe every family deserves higher standards of health and wellness, we want to make it absolutely affordable for you to make the switch to Sameza.
Did you know Sameza rice yields double the cooked rice than any other rice in the market? This means that Sameza is as affordable as your current Jasmine rice; and cheaper than your current basmati rice!
Lead image source from Bably Bhasin.
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