Scientists have long since discovered that children who don’t get enough sleep have an increased risk when it comes to obesity. But now, a new study suggests that having a late bedtime is linked to greater obesity later in life.
The study tested about 977 children, and they found out that sleeping early gives kids more time to rest and that it also reduces sleeping problems such as waking up in the middle of the night or difficulty falling asleep. Sleep also helps your child’s brain develop better and can also improve their performance in school.
Sleep and Your Child’s Immunity
Sleep plays a crucial role in a child’s health and immune system function. During sleep, the body produces cytokines, which are proteins that help fight off infection, inflammation, and stress. Lack of sleep can reduce the production of cytokines, making it harder for the body to fight infections.
In addition, sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system, making your child more susceptible to illnesses. Children who consistently get enough sleep are more likely to have a strong immune system and be less prone to illnesses.
Therefore, it’s important to establish healthy sleep habits and ensure that your child gets adequate sleep to help maintain their overall health and immunity.
How to Get Your Child to Sleep Early
So, how exactly would parents get their child to sleep earlier? Here are some tips to make sure that your kid sleeps early and also gets enough sleep:
A regular bedtime routine is very important.
You can start off the bedtime routine by asking your child to brush his or her teeth. Then you can ask them to pick a book to read before you tuck them into sleep. A routine helps give your child structure and they will be more aware of when their bedtime should be.
Be wary of what your child is eating before bedtime.
Caffeine and sugar can disrupt your child’s sleep, so try to avoid giving them any food or drinks containing caffeine or sugar in the evening.
Encourage physical activity during the day.
Encourage your child to engage in physical activity during the day, which can help tire them out and make it easier for them to fall asleep at night.
Create a calm and relaxing environment in your child’s bedroom by dimming the lights and playing soothing music or reading a bedtime story. Ensure that your child’s bed and pillows are comfortable and that their room is cool and well-ventilated.
Set aside all electronic devices before tucking them in.
For older children, make sure to set aside their cellphones, laptops, or tablets before tucking them in. Bedtime should be for rest, and if they have access to their electronic devices, then it might cause them to stay up late. Make it a rule to set aside their gadgets before going to sleep.
Yup, even adults need to sleep early and have enough hours of sleep. A good way of showing your kids that sleep is important is to set an example. It might be difficult to do especially if you’re used to sleeping really late, but if you really want your children to sleep earlier, then you’d have to set a good example for them.
Trust me, with sleep at a premium for parents, you’ll be happy with the extra hours of sleep that you’ll be getting.
Image Source: iStock
Strengthen Your Child’s Immunity With Growing Up Milk
While we cannot discount the importance of having adequate rest to avoid getting sick, other factors like physical activity and nutrition also play a role in keeping your child’s immunity levels up.
In fact, if you need to ensure that your child gets all the vitamins and minerals that he needs to boost his immunity, you can supplement his diet with growing-up milk.
And we’re not just talking about any growing-up milk. Ensure that your child’s milk is fortified with nutrients that support your child’s immunity and brain development. That’s where Aptamil Gold+ comes in.
Aptamil Gold+ Growing Up Milk

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